National Post (National Edition)


PM's soft punch not acceptable, needs explaining

- DIANE FRANCIS Read and sign up for Diane's newsletter on America at dianefranc­

Last year, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government sent millions of dollars to the People's Republic of China — in the form of contracts and foreign aid — despite the fact that Beijing has been holding two Canadians hostage for more than two years and has threatened Canadians living in Canada for opposing the regime's mistreatme­nt of the Uighur people and its takeover of Hong Kong.

Conservati­ve Leader Erin O'Toole recently released a compelling four-minute video on social media that should be required viewing by all Canadians. In it, O'Toole, a former military officer and corporate lawyer, details the mystery surroundin­g the two Chinese scientists who were fired from Winnipeg's National Microbiolo­gy Laboratory and the lab's connection­s to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, along with the Trudeau government's attempts to hide the truth from Parliament.

“In 2019, members of the Chinese military were escorted out of Canada's Level 4 laboratory,” he said. “This is a story about some of the world's most dangerous pathogens.

“This is a story about espionage. And this is a story about the Trudeau government being totally disconnect­ed about the risks in the modern security environmen­t. What went wrong in the Winnipeg lab?”

What's known is that a husband and wife team with deep ties to China and the Chinese military were employed by the Canadian lab and were able to bring in Chinese students and collaborat­e with other Chinese scientists, before they were removed, investigat­ed and then fired two years later. During their tenure, they visited the Wuhan lab many times and sent dangerous samples there.

“Who authorized the transfers of dangerous, deadly viruses,” asks O'Toole. “Who authorized this high level of co-operation and collaborat­ion with the Chinese military? CSIS told Mr. Trudeau not to do it. He was advised that this type of partnershi­p, because of the risk of bioweapons research, should not be taking place.”

The government ignored the warnings and this has harmed Canada's relationsh­ip with its allies in the Five Eyes intelligen­ce-sharing alliance and NATO, including with our most important ally and largest trading partner, the United States.

“The Trudeau government is doing anything it can to cover this up. They're in contempt of Parliament. An order of Parliament, for the first time, is completely disregarde­d by Justin Trudeau and, in the process, hiding the truth from Canadians about what partnershi­p was being done in the Winnipeg lab by scientists with deep connection­s to the Chinese military,” O'Toole said.

Canadians deserve answers to other issues, as well. Why, for example, did Trudeau appoint Dominic Barton to be Canada's ambassador to China, knowing full well that the firm McKinsey & Company, where Barton spent nearly a decade acting as managing director, had extensive economic interests in the country? Why did the Trudeau government give away intellectu­al property to a Chinese vaccine maker and not pursue remediatio­n after it reneged on the deal? And why is Canada the only Five Eyes member that hasn't officially banned Huawei from its 5G network?

O'Toole is right: Canada's global reputation has been badly damaged by Trudeau's inappropri­ate kid-glove treatment of China. And so has Canada's democracy.


 ?? JUSTIN TANG / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? Why did Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appoint Dominic Barton, above, to be Canada's ambassador to China, knowing
McKinsey & Co., where Barton spent nearly a decade, had economic interests in the country, Diane Francis writes.
JUSTIN TANG / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES Why did Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appoint Dominic Barton, above, to be Canada's ambassador to China, knowing McKinsey & Co., where Barton spent nearly a decade, had economic interests in the country, Diane Francis writes.
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