National Post (National Edition)

Embattled MP Vuong apologizes to PM


OTTAWA • Embattled Toronto MP Kevin Vuong, who was ditched by the Liberals days before the federal election after failing to disclose a withdrawn sexual-assault charge, has apologized to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Vuong also apologized to his supporters “for embarrassi­ng them,” as well as his former Liberal colleagues.

In his first interview since the Sept. 20 election, Vuong said he was “naive” and “too eager” to become an MP, and regrets the decision not to tell the party about the charge while being vetted as a candidate.

Despite being disavowed as the Liberal candidate in Spadina-Fort York days before the vote, he was elected to Parliament and is set to take his seat as an Independen­t MP next week.

In an interview on Friday, the MP said: “I erred in judgment and I made the wrong decision and I let people down.”

During the interview, Vuong, a former naval reservist and businessma­n, declined to discuss the sexual assault allegation, saying he was concentrat­ing on being a good member of Parliament for his constituen­ts.

The charge was laid in 2019 and later dropped.

Asked if he had been advised not to disclose it before becoming a candidate, Vuong did not directly answer, saying “people get all different types of advice.”

“At the end of the day, I own the decision to not disclose. And I regret that decision,” he said.

“I made the wrong call. I made a tremendous error in judgment in not disclosing. It's why I am now an Independen­t member of Parliament.”

The MP, who has faced harsh criticism on social media, said that since the election his partner has been harassed in the street while walking her dog. But he denied he has been “in hiding.”

The chair of Spadina-Fort York's Liberal riding associatio­n, which funded much of Vuong's campaign, said on Friday an apology was not enough and renewed calls for him to resign.

“The time to exercise good judgment is before, not during or after holding public office. Parliament is not a classroom to learn these lessons,” said Julia Metus in a Facebook post.

“Had the details that Mr. Vuong shared in his interview today been shared with the party, he would not have been chosen as the Liberal candidate in our riding.”

Vuong said that he only found out the Liberals were dropping him as a candidate through the media.

“I found out when everyone else did. I think it was shortly followed by an email,” he said.

Vuong, who has taken the oath as an MP, said he has worked on around 600 constituen­cy files, including on immigratio­n, since the election.

Adam Vaughan, the former Liberal MP for the riding, said his successor was “using his public office to rehabilita­te his reputation.”

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