National Post (National Edition)

We can cut federal spending

- FRANK STRONACH Frank Stronach is the founder of Magna Internatio­nal Inc., one of Canada's largest global companies, and the Stronach Foundation for Economic Rights.

Most Canadians would likely not be surprised to learn that there are way too many civil servants in Ottawa. But they would probably be shocked to learn just how top-heavy the federal bureaucrac­y really is.

That's one of the eye-opening bits of informatio­n revealed at last week's hearing of the House of Commons standing committee on government operations and estimates featuring Parliament­ary Budget Officer Yves Giroux.

According to Giroux, federal bureaucrat­s can report to as many as seven different levels of management within various government department­s. When questioned whether department­s should look at streamlini­ng their management structures, Giroux responded that “there's room to reduce.”

The federal government is looking to find $15 billion in savings over the next five years, but even if it succeeds, that represents less than one per cent of total spending. Surely there's a lot more fat, duplicatio­n and waste that can be cut out of the budget without laying off any civil servants.

For the past several years, I've consistent­ly advocated for government spending cuts of five per cent per year over a period of 10 years, which would end up reducing government overhead by half within a decade. I've also called for the creation of a task force comprised of retired business leaders who could assist in determinin­g where the government could cut spending.

The Fraser Institute published a report last month that showed how the federal government could balance the budget within a year simply by reducing nominal program spending by 4.3 per cent between 2024 and 2025 — an amount very close to what I've proposed.

But it's not just the cost of excessive bureaucrac­y that Canadians object to. It's also the red tape and regulation­s that come with it, which end up making everything slower and more complicate­d than necessary.

The federal civil service now spends over $67 billion per year in salaries, benefits and pensions. Not only are there more civil servants than ever, there are also more bureaucrat­s taking home six-figure salaries.

According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, over 110,000 federal public servants, or one-third of the federal workforce, made in excess of $100,000 in 2023 — over 50 per cent more than the average Canadian makes.

When you add in pensions, paid time off and other benefits, the average compensati­on for a full-time federal civil servant is just over $125,000, according to a parliament­ary budget officer report published last year.

In short, not only is our bureaucrac­y growing by the day, it's also becoming more expensive.

If the public sector keeps expanding at this pace, there's not going to be much of a private sector left to foot the bill. A recent report out of Spain revealed that one out of every three people in that country either works for the government or lives off government assistance, a total that was attributed to “increasing levels of welfare dependency and a bloated public sector.”

How long before Canada's in the same boat?

Despite the swelling size of our civil service, it's important to note that bureaucrat­s should never be made the scapegoat for the financial mismanagem­ent created by government­s. It's not their fault that spending has gotten out of control. And while bureaucrat­s typically take the brunt of public anger over government red tape and over-regulation, it's our elected officials who oversee and manage the bureaucrat­ic system.

Regardless, the problem posed by our ever-expanding bureaucrac­y needs to be dealt with immediatel­y. It's been put on the back burner for far too long.

In addition to reducing government spending by five per cent per year for 10 years, the government should implement an immediate and permanent hiring freeze until the public sector payroll shrinks to a more sustainabl­e level.

If the government official responsibl­e for keeping an eye on our budget says there's room to reduce the size of our bureaucrac­y, then we should start reducing. Not only will we save billions of dollars, but Canadians might finally get a break from overzealou­s bureaucrat­s meddling in every aspect of our lives.

 ?? TONY CALDWELL / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? It's not just the cost of excessive bureaucrac­y that Canadians object to, it's also the red tape and regulation­s that come with it, Frank Stronach writes.
TONY CALDWELL / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES It's not just the cost of excessive bureaucrac­y that Canadians object to, it's also the red tape and regulation­s that come with it, Frank Stronach writes.

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