Ottawa Citizen

Comfort, care, respect


Re: Too sick to move, too well to stay, Jan. 3.

I have some degree of sympathy for Marie Korwin and her daughter Barbara because their situation can be stressful. However, having gone through exactly the same experience nearly two years ago, I can offer a few words of advice.

There are indeed numerous retirement homes that offer all the care and services that Marie needs. The Ottawa Hospital is not the place for her to reside. I followed the advice I was given, visited several retirement homes, and successful­ly transferre­d Mrs. S (for whom I have Power of Attorney) to a residence that has provided high-quality care of the type Marie needs.

Since the monthly fees were considerab­ly more than Mrs. S received from Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan, it was necessary to sell her home. However, she now resides in a place where her quality of life, her respect, her comfort, and her medical care are undoubtedl­y superior to those of nursing homes.

Barbara Korwin should make sure that her mother gets the very best. She deserves it.


Mother’s move a blessing

I understand Barbara Korwin’s dilemma regarding her mother’s care options (i.e. move to a retirement home or first available nursing home bed).

My mother was in a similar circumstan­ce several years ago. Having broken her hip, she was deemed by hospital staff as too frail to return to her retirement home. She also suffered from dementia. After being in hospital for three weeks, a bed became available at Starwood Nursing Home, a facility not on my preferred long-term care list.

The move to Starwood has been a blessing. I am grateful for the warm, compassion­ate care my mother receives and the excellent communicat­ion regarding her medical needs. I couldn’t ask for better care. After my mother had been at Starwood for six months, I received notice of an available bed at one of the most desirable long-term residences in Ottawa. I turned it down.


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