Ottawa Citizen

Woman wants to remarry ex-husband


DEAR ABBY Dear Abby: My husband, “Gene,” and I were married for five years until our divorce six months ago. We still live together and are dating each other. We had so many issues, I felt there needed to be a fresh start, including filing for divorce and living apart.

Now that we have started over, moved away from our hometown and gotten rid of several “friends,” our issues are gone and we’re financiall­y stable. In fact, our relationsh­ip is better than ever.

Since things are now worked out, I’d like us to get remarried. Now he’s not sure, because he says if we got divorced again, he couldn’t bear the hurt. He says he still doesn’t understand why our “fresh start” included a divorce.

Abby, we love each other. We want to be together forever and have children. I don’t want to be dating my ex-husband indefinite­ly. Do you have advice for us? Going Nowhere In Washington Dear Going Nowhere: I sure do. In the interest of solidifyin­g your fresh start, you and Gene should sign up for some premarital counsellin­g. If you do, you may be able to help him understand why you felt the way you did. With counsellin­g, you can sure that your problems are fully resolved, and it may reassure him that this time there won’t be another divorce. Dear Abby: My sister and mother went to a movie recently. My sister became concerned that her husband and kids were locked out of the house, so she quickly took out her phone and texted her husband. It took less than 30 seconds.

A minute later a large man came down the stairs of the theatre, got right in her face and began berating her — telling her she was rude for pulling out her phone.

The man caused more of a scene than her texting did. What makes people think it is OK to treat people badly? Holly In Kokomo Dear Holly: The same thing that made your sister think it was OK to use her cellphone in a darkened theatre. She’s lucky all she got was a lecture because these days many people have short fuses. Dear Abby is written by Jeanne Phillips, daughter of Pauline Phillips, the original Dear Abby. Write Abby at or c/o The Ottawa Citizen, Box 5020, Ottawa, K2C 3M4. For a reply, send a self-addressed envelope. Abby covers postage. Include name and phone number if you want your letter published.

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