Ottawa Citizen

Visa customers experience temporary outage

Credit card users voice discontent on social media


TORONTO • Visa says it’s working to resolve a nationwide outage that has Canadians flocking to social media to vent their frustratio­n.

The problem, Visa says, lies with a third party provider and not with the Visa network.

Royal Bank of Canada and TD Canada Trust are among the big banks who say their customers are being affected by the outage.

Hundreds of credit card users across the country took to the social media website to complain that their cards were being declined when they tried to use them.

 ?? ALLEN MCINNIS / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Visa says the outage problem lies with a third party provider and not with the Visa network.
ALLEN MCINNIS / POSTMEDIA NEWS Visa says the outage problem lies with a third party provider and not with the Visa network.

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