Ottawa Citizen

Rediscover­ed cities in Mexican jungles

There are some Mayan gems that don’t attract hordes of tourists


The mysterious Mayan civilizati­on flourished on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula between 300 and 900 AD. Abandoned in dense jungle and forgotten for centuries, their rediscover­ed stone cities reveal extraordin­ary architectu­re, artwork and technology … and attract visitors like us. Settled again in Cancun’s resort zone, we reacquaint ourselves with the Maya, this time starting with two lesser-known sites.

Our concierge, a budding archeology student, suggests Ruinas del Rey. “Not so dramatic as others,” he grins, “but biggest on Isla Cancun! A sculptured human face decorating the regalia of Mayan rulers, as well as embellishe­d skeletons found there, suggest it was once a royal burial ground.”

Curiosity sparked and up for new adventure, we pedal resort bicycles nine kilometres to this local archeologi­cal area, despite a blistering morning sun.

Though set amid sparkling modern developmen­ts, this small gem from 600 AD proves surprising­ly tranquil.

Unlike at prominent locations, these ruins are not roped off. Easily climbing the low-rise pyramid, we walk within stone foundation­s and stroll unhurriedl­y throughout the ancient grounds. Storyboard­s interpret the platforms, helping us visualize customs long past.

Most striking, a small palace stands alongside one of two plazas forming the ceremonial centre. Topped with a vault thought to be an astronomy lookout, faded wall paintings inside depict ordinary daily life.

Recovered fishing implements reflect the basic economy; basalt grinding stones, flint knives, arrowheads, obsidian blades and jade jewelry imply an extensive coastal trade. Leaving later, we notice others feeding bread to gathering iguanas.

I muse, “No wonder they’re so plump, so unafraid.” The ticket guy mutters, “Tortillas’d be better!”

Joining fellow history buffs another day, we head off the tourist track to Ek Balam, an influentia­l city for 1,000 years. Along the way, guide Daniel shows us early black and white photos while explaining, “In the beginning, explorers noticed unusual clusters of hills overgrown by dense rainforest and tangled vegetation.

Excavating those mounds, archeologi­sts later unearthed majestic Ek Balam.”

Once there, a well-worn sacbe, or Mayan roadway, leads us to an arched gateway. Daniel pauses, “Imagine! More than 1,300 years ago, miles of such white limestone roadways ran throughout the jungles, vital links to distant communitie­s.”

Through a narrow passage inside low walls, we see immense structures restored from rubble. Countless doorways lead into chambers where we suspect elite residents found cool relief from the burning sun. Slab stellae under thatched shelters outline dynastic history, telling us that the buildings here were constructe­d around 800 AD during Ukil-Kan-Lek-Tok’s reign.

Over at the ball court, Daniel points out that every Mayan city had at least one and tells us how players competed ferociousl­y, manoeuvrin­g a heavy ball through brass rings on the stone walls. However, scholars still disagree on whether it was winners or losers who were beheaded.

Rising ahead of us, a colossal pyramid nicknamed the ‘ Acropolis’ entombs the powerful Ukil-Kan-Lek-Tok. Thatched canopies protect elaborate hieroglyph­s and friezes on lower tiers. Using our hands, we balance on steep steps and climb up halfway to investigat­e an exquisite stucco wall forming his tomb’s doorway.

After rigorous climbing, we cool off in breezes atop the pyramid. Sweeping views across the immense site and luxuriant jungle landscapes beyond reward our efforts. Daniel sighs, “Undiscover­ed by many, Ek Balam boasts some of the wonders of our other world-renowned attraction­s … but without crowds.”

It’s true most visitors flock to the principal archeologi­cal sites lying within three hours of Cancun. With our interest newly inspired, we, too, revisit magnificen­t stone cities.

A ceremonial centre perched high above the Caribbean, Tulum flourished from commerce and sacred ceremonies. Of its many temples, including a fertility altar, the ornately columned, two-tiered Temple of the Frescoes celebrates rain god Chac, Tulum’s premier god.

Temple of the Descending God features a winged figure over a doorsill. Like a headfirst diver in sting position, honeybee god Ah Muzencab is revered for producing honey for food and trade. A lighted shrine inside El Castillo provided a beacon for ships, marking a break in the barrier reef. From here, we can gaze across turquoise waters to white sandy beaches where early sailors launched ships. Tulum served as the major port for Coba, the Yucatan’s oldest Mayan city located 45-kilometres northwest.

Since much here remains unexcavate­d, we can only imagine this large ancient city with outlying plots that fed 50,000 people at the height of its influence.

And though each site visited brings us renewed understand­ing of the Mayan civilizati­on, it’s our encounters with Ruinas del Rey and Ek Balam that add the special magic to our Mexican getaway.

 ?? PHOTOS: CRIS BOURONCLE/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? A tourist climbs the steep steps of the Acropolis at the archeologi­cal site of Ek Balam, built by the Mayan civilizati­on in the Yucatán Peninsula.
PHOTOS: CRIS BOURONCLE/AFP/GETTY IMAGES A tourist climbs the steep steps of the Acropolis at the archeologi­cal site of Ek Balam, built by the Mayan civilizati­on in the Yucatán Peninsula.
 ??  ?? The Entrance Arch at the archeologi­cal site of Ek Balam is shown at left. At right are stone carvings that adorn the walls.
The Entrance Arch at the archeologi­cal site of Ek Balam is shown at left. At right are stone carvings that adorn the walls.
 ??  ?? Tourists take in the view from the Oval Palace at Ek Balam.
Tourists take in the view from the Oval Palace at Ek Balam.
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