Ottawa Citizen

Road trips for Meyer mean time for making up tales,

Stephenie Meyer’s childhood habits the foundation for adult success


When Stephenie Meyer was a young girl growing up in Phoenix, Ariz., going on a family road trip was a major production: a big van to hold the six children, a long drive to anywhere.

“You just had to sit there,” she recalls. “We didn’t have VCRs in the car back then. So I would tell myself stories to not lose my sanity to boredom. So that is kind of my habit when I’m a long road trip.”

So it was, a few years ago, when Meyer had grown into one of the most popular authors in the world — her Twilight trilogy has sold 100 million copies — she was on a trip by herself, driving through the desert for 12 hours straight, and she began telling herself a story to occupy the time. The tale she invented was about a world where aliens take over the bodies of earthlings. One of them, however, doesn’t give up so easily, and she and her alien soul are forced to work together to keep humanity alive.

The story became a novel called The Host, another publishing sensation that was released in 2008 and was on the New York Times bestseller list for 26 weeks. And like Twilight, which became a $2.5-billion film franchise, The Host is now headed to the movie theatres. Her childhood habit paid off.

“It worked out okay,” she laughs.

The Host stars Saoirse Ronan as Melanie Stryder, the young girl whose body is taken over, and also as The Wanderer, the alien soul that possesses her. Max Irons plays Jared Howe, Melanie’s romantic interest, and Jake Abel is Ian O’Shea, who falls in love with the alien inside her.

It’s a triangle not that far removed from the Twilight story of a girl torn between a vampire and a werewolf, and both books can be read as metaphors for the confusions of youth. After all, what young woman hasn’t felt attracted to the bad boy, or possessed by an alien presence?

Well, Stephenie Meyer, for one. “I think I had the normal, ‘Clearly, I’m adopted,’ except I could be my mother’s twin sister,” she says of her youthful fantasies. “So that didn’t work out so well.”

The Host is more about the horror in the idea of loss of identity.

“It was a matter of losing everyone who mattered to you and not being you any more. It’s a quiet kind of horror. It’s not being chased down the street by a maniac wielding a knife, but it’s worse in some ways.”

As for the love story, Meyer says that the boy-meets-girl tale is just part of that.

“Romantic love is just one of the elements, somewhat overshadow­ed — in the novel particular­ly — by the loyalties that people have, and the lines that you end up crossing because you love someone. And the definitive love feels like the sisterhood love between the two main characters, both of them played by Saoirse Ronan. Which she does so well that at certain parts of the movie, I forget that she’s actually talking to herself. It feels like the two characters are so present.”

(Meyer can’t say enough good things about Ronan, whom she calls “maybe the nicest person in the world. If you didn’t know that she was also the most brilliant actor, you would just assume she was your kids’ favourite babysitter.”)

Meyer may write a trilogy of Host books, at least if she can get off the publicity treadmill and get back to her desk. She’s also the producer of the movie, and she says writing is a lot easier than making films. For one thing you don’t have to worry about the budget. For another, you can remain private.

“I feel often very guilty for what the Twilight stars have to live with,” she says. “My life is not like that. I’d probably never leave my house.”

Producing is a kind of hobby. She did a similar job on two of the Twilight movies (where she also had acting cameos), and she’s executive producer of another movie, Austenland, a romantic comedy with Keri Russell about a woman who’s obsessed with Jane Austen.

She didn’t write that story, but she understand­s the obsession. Meyer has credited Austen as one of the inspiratio­ns of Twilight (along with Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables), and Austen is one of the authors she turns to for inspiratio­n. Despite Meyer’s commercial success, her writing style has been criticized — Stephen King famously said she “can’t write worth a darn” — but she is trying to improve.

“I hope I’m getting better,” she says. “Hopefully practice makes perfect. With Twilight I really was very very raw. I think I’m good at storytelli­ng and not necessaril­y writing it in a beautiful way. I think I’m a lot better in The Host. I think I’m learning.”

She works on it by reading, “although it can be horribly depressing to read people who are amazing and look at what they do and how they use words and see how beautifull­y it can be done.” Her favourites are Austen, Bronte and Orson Scott Card (“I think he’s really poetic. He writes very beautifull­y”) the author of Enders Game, which has also been turned into a film.

She sounds more on edge about that than she is about her own movie.

“They’ve been trying to make it into movie for 25 years,” she says of Enders Game. “It’s coming out this fall. I’m nervous and very excited for him.”

 ?? BEN PRUCHNIE/GETTY IMAGES ?? Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight series is producing the movie version of her novel, The Host.
BEN PRUCHNIE/GETTY IMAGES Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight series is producing the movie version of her novel, The Host.
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