Ottawa Citizen



South topped the eight with the king, crossed to the king of spades and rode the eight of hearts to the queen. West cashed the ace of diamonds to curtail play but two overtricks were home, N-S +660. It was quite clear that West should take the diamond ace lest declarer romp home with the rest of the tricks.

A diamond lead would rarely be an effective choice on this auction since North has basically denied major suit length.

The diamond beginning presented declarer with a second winner in that suit but the selection of a fourth best heart would be no improvemen­t.

Declarer will establish the heart suit to score another eleven tricks.

West could conclude that there would be virtually no chance of setting the contract. At matchpoint­s, it is essential not to present declarer with a gift.

A top of nothing spade lead should thus be a considerat­ion. South will he hampered by this start since dummy holds but one certain entry and he will certainly not want to play a diamond.

The good news is that he will be able to establish the heart suit by crossing to the king of spades for a heart finesse.

The lie could not be more favorable with a doubleton honor in East. Visit www.insidebrid­ For local games and links to individual clubs, visit

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