Ottawa Citizen

Man left out by wife’s affair with phone

- Dear Abby is written by Jeanne Phillips, daughter of Pauline Phillips, the original Dear Abby. Write Abby at or c/o The Ottawa Citizen, Box 5020, Ottawa, K2C 3M4. For a reply, send a self-addressed envelope. Abby covers postage. Include n

DEAR ABBY Dear Abby: My wife and I have been married 17 years. For the most part, our marriage has been great. Lately, though, I have felt that our sexual and emotional intimacy has been lacking. I spoke to her and tried to explain how I feel. She has responded, and things are improving.

Still, she spends most of her time on her cellphone checking email, Facebook, Pinterest and watching Netflix. At bedtime, she stays on her laptop until after I have gone to bed. When she comes to bed, she goes straight to sleep.

Has she fallen in love with her cellphone? Abandoned Husband In Utah Dear Abandoned: You say your wife has responded and things are hopeful. That means she is receptive to working on your relationsh­ip.

People have become so dependent upon their digital companions that in some cases it’s impossible to turn them off. In cases like this, a licensed therapist should be consulted. Of course, like any addiction the sufferer must be willing to admit there is a problem. Dear Abby: Six months ago, I realized I had a drinking problem and decided to go through a chemical dependence program as an outpatient. I’m sober now and attend meetings a few times a week. My problem is someone I was barely acquainted with was also in the same program.

At a meeting a few months ago, I mentioned to the group that I also attend a meeting in another town. Next thing I know, this man is attending the same meeting.

I am active in service work and plan to attend a regional meeting at a resort over a weekend. Guess who has suddenly decided to do the same?

I’m nervous about being around this man. How should I handle this? Sober And Creeped Out Dear Creeped Out: If there is a group moderator or contact, discuss this with that person. Because you want less contact with your “admirer,” look around for another group. Even if you will have to travel a bit farther, it will be worth the effort.

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