Ottawa Citizen

Into the great wide open

- Bdeachman@ottawaciti­

You lean forward, your spine lengthenin­g, and swing your arms behind you. You bend your knees and ankles, and start to swing your arms forward. Your leg drive begins, as you press your feet into the ground. Your hips extend with great force, allowing your knees and ankles to also extend, giving power, and thus height, to your jump. Your legs, pushing against the ground, counter the force of gravity, which, once you leave the ground, is the only force acting on you. You are momentaril­y weightless. Your upward speed decreases to zero as you reach the apex — the record height attained in a standing high jump is 1.90 metres — and gravity’s downward pull accelerate­s you towards the water, at a rate of 9.8 metres per second squared.

The maximum speed of a falling human is about 200 km/h, which would take between 10 and 12 seconds of free fall to reach, depending on air resistance. From a four-metre bridge, however, you would only be travelling at roughly 30 km/h by the time a lake interceded. A jump from a dock where you reached a height of a metre above the water, meanwhile, would have you travelling at only about 16 km/h when you splashed down, or about three times as fast as you walk.

Still, there’s something otherworld­ly about leaping into water, something almost superhuman about it. The initial leap does not just propel you from a dock or pier; for with it you also leave behind your work and your debts, your relationsh­ip troubles and nagging undone chores. The propane tank you forgot to fill, the RRSP contributi­ons you didn’t make, the exercise you’ve been putting off, the engine light that keeps coming on — you’ve momentaril­y abandoned them all behind you in an untidy pile, and put your faith in whatever may be the outcome of the jump. And then you leap, into the future, into the air, into the hopeful promise of cool soothing waters ahead. But first into that sensation of weightless­ness, where you are as free as a child. And who knows? One of these days, on one of these leaps, you just might never come down.

 ?? BRUCE DEACHMAN/OTTAWA CITIZEN ?? Alex Adams and Josh Raeside leap off an old bridge support into the Madawaska River at Burnstown, near Renfrew.
BRUCE DEACHMAN/OTTAWA CITIZEN Alex Adams and Josh Raeside leap off an old bridge support into the Madawaska River at Burnstown, near Renfrew.

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