Ottawa Citizen

Mosque declares itself ‘sect free’


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan In a country where sectarian violence is spiking, Zahid Iqbal is playing an innovative role in trying to bring peace to Pakistan’s competing Islamic sects by simply not taking sides.

His mosque in the capital Islamabad markets itself as “sect free” and is open to everyone. Despite pressure, Iqbal has refused to follow convention and define the mosque as Sunni, Shiite or any of the other subgroups that divide Islam, sometimes violently.

“We don’t belong with any sect of Islam,” said Iqbal, a real estate businessma­n in his 30s who also serves as the mosque’s president. “We only belong to Islam.”

Much of the sectarian violence that Pakistan has experience­d in recent years has been attacks by radical Sunni militants on minority Shiites they consider heretics. There were 77 such attacks between January 2012 and June 2013 that killed 635 Shiites and wounded 834 others, according to a recent report.

The schism between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims traces back to the early days of Islam and arguments over successors to Prophet Muhammad. But over time, the divide between the Sunni, which represent about 85 per cent of the world’s Muslims, and Shiite has taken an increasing­ly bloody turn across Pakistan and the greater Middle East.

There has also been occasional conflict between different strains of Sunni Islam in Pakistan, such as Wahabbi, Barelvi and Deobandi.

Iqbal said he thought the conflict between Islamic sects was based on ignorance and invited everyone to come to his mosque, including Christians and Jews, to learn “the reality of Islam.”

The businessma­n collected nearly $300,000 to build his mosque, which first opened in 2010 but is still a work in progress. There are piles of red bricks and cinder blocks in the courtyard, and wooden polls hold up a shaky-looking brick archway that marks the mosque’s entrance.

Iqbal said he had difficulty registerin­g the mosque with the government because authoritie­s told him it must be affiliated with a specific Islamic sect. Amir Ali Ahmed, who heads the department that registers mosques in Islamabad, said there was no such requiremen­t. However, he suggested a low-level employee could have pushed the issue since it’s relatively unusual for a mosque not to identify itself with a sect.

“We would encourage someone to say they aren’t attached to any sect,” Ahmed said.

Iqbal said he also encountere­d difficulty when a rival imam and his students seized the property before the mosque was built, a common problem in a country where land is often taken by force. He managed to resolve the conflict by calling the housing society that donated the property to him.

The businessma­n has faced persistent pressure from rival religious leaders to link the mosque to their sect, but always has refused, he said.

“I’m not afraid of them,” Iqbal said. “I believe my life is in God’s hands, not in the hands of others.”

There are at least three other mosques in Islamabad that aren’t affiliated with a specific sect, Iqbal said. But he touted his facility in Islamabad’s Sector E-11 as the only fullfledge­d Islamic centre that also included a separate section for women and a library filled with books about various religions.

 ?? MUHAMMED MUHEISEN/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A Pakistani Muslim worshipper attends Friday prayers in a Islamabad mosque that markets itself as ‘sect-free.’
MUHAMMED MUHEISEN/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A Pakistani Muslim worshipper attends Friday prayers in a Islamabad mosque that markets itself as ‘sect-free.’

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