Ottawa Citizen

Man-of-mystery act puzzles girlfriend


Dear Abby: My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year, and it has been wonderful. He’s amazing and sweet.

We went to the movies for our anniversar­y and about 50 minutes into it, he turned to me, said he didn’t like the movie and he wanted to leave. I was enjoying it, but I didn’t want to force him to watch it, so we left. When we were out of the theatre I asked him why he didn’t like it, and he told me he didn’t want to discuss it. I pressured him a bit for an answer but he told me to forget it.

This has been bugging me. Should I leave it alone? I understand it’s not that big a deal, but he has done this a few times before — not explaining things when I ask. I am confused about why he won’t tell me. Puzzled In The Multiplex

Dear Puzzled: There may have been something in the movie that made your boyfriend uncomforta­ble. Perhaps it triggered a memory of something in his past that he didn’t want to be reminded of. Or, he may have been bored by the film and so centered on himself that he didn’t care that you were enjoying it.

Your boyfriend may be wonderful and amazing, but he also appears to be a poor communicat­or. This would be a deal-breaker with some women. Only he can tell you why he’s this way, but if he hasn’t opened up in the year you have been seeing each other, it isn’t likely to change. Dear Abby: My mother-inlaw passed away five months ago. I was given the option of taking a winter coat of hers, which I gladly accepted. When would it be appropriat­e to wear it around my husband’s family? Still Mourning In Wisconsin Dear Still Mourning: I’m sorry for your loss. The time to wear the coat would be when the temperatur­e drops enough that you feel you need it. And when you do, if someone should recognize it and comment, just say you are wearing her coat because it helps you feel closer to her; it’s like a warm hug from heaven. Dear Abby is written by Jeanne Phillips, daughter of Pauline Phillips, the original Dear Abby. Write Abby at or c/o The Ottawa Citizen, Box 5020, Ottawa, K2C 3M4. For a reply, send a self-addressed envelope. Abby covers postage. Include name and phone number if you want your letter published.

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