Ottawa Citizen

Arab Awakening is dozing


Re. Egypt pushed to the brink, Aug. 15.

It has been said that with the exception of Egypt and Tunisia, all the Arab states are tribes with flags. Egypt is supposed to be a country of genuine statehood, civic institutio­ns and citizenshi­p. No more. We are back to a familiar terrain: state of emergency, nighttime curfews, arbitrary detentions and shooting on sight. Back to the past; back to the future.

The Arab Awakening is dozing again. Why? Because when it comes to attaining and keeping power, and when it comes to religious fanaticism and dogma, these two elements make an explosive mix.

Democracy was, and still is, a rare commodity in the Arab world. Civic institutio­ns, minority rights, women’s empowermen­t and respect are all non-existent; separation of state and religion is impossible; finding a balanced relationsh­ip between the military and government is absent. Economic growth and job creation for the young — who constitute more than 60 per cent of the population and who are under 25 in many countries — are sadly fleeting and presently unattainab­le.

The internatio­nal community is impotent in dealing with the domestic upheavals in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq, etc. The United States leverage is gone, and President Barack Obama is not interested in engaging yet again in nation-building in foreign land. The abdication of U.S. internatio­nal leadership will continue for the next three years with catastroph­ic consequenc­es.

The Arabs are left alone to deal with their issues: economic disintegra­tion, youth bulge, environmen­tal disasters like drought in Syria, religious infighting, totalitari­an traditions and generation­al divide.

The best day after overthrowi­ng a tyrant is the first one, a sage once said.

The Arab World is burning and the world will only watch in bewilderme­nt as the innocent and guilty are slaughtere­d in the symphony of warfare and history.

ELIE MIKHAEL NASRALLAH, Ottawa, Co-author, My Arab Spring, My Canada

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