Ottawa Citizen

If apples fall, why do kites fly?

BRUCE DEACHMAN’S DAYS OF SUMMER PART 58 Having strings attached helps, physicist explains

- Bdeachman@ottawaciti­zen

You’re in a large, open field, soft grass underfoot, the wind at your back. You’re holding a wooden spool of string. At the other end, a kite dances in the breeze, mostly staying in one spot but now and then darting and weaving in ways over which you have no control.

How exactly does it stay up there, you wonder. What does the tail do? And why does the string, which you couldn’t pull any tighter if you tried, appear curved?

And so we return to Carleton University professor emeritus and physicist Dr. Peter Watson, who on Day 4 explained the science of skipping stones; it turns out he knows a thing or two about kite aerodynami­cs, too.

So imagine first, a side-view picture of you flying your kite. The wind, essentiall­y moving horizontal­ly, hits the surface of the kite, which disrupts the momentum of the air molecules and deflects them downward. And if we learned anything in high school, it was surely Newton’s third law of motion, which states that for every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction, and so the downward force of the wind creates an equal lifting force on the kite.

Next, you factor in gravity, which is always pulling the kite straight down. With just the lifting force and gravity, says Watson, you in essence have a blown leaf. “It would be lifted by the wind and it would be falling by gravity, as it gets blown across the garden.

“So now you’ve got the third force, which is the tension in the string, and according to Isaac, if you’ve got three balanced forces, the whole thing will stay in equilibriu­m, and the kite ideally will stay exactly where it is in the sky.” (In a perfectly controlled environmen­t, the kite would, in fact, remain motionless; try it the next time you’re goofing around in your wind tunnel.)

But the reality, adds Watson, is that you’ll always get turbulence at the kite’s edges, similar to the swirling eddies created in the water when paddling a canoe. “You can’t see them in air, but the same thing is happening around the edges of the kite, and that’s why it flits from side to side.

Enter the kite’s tail: With less lift acting on it, the tail largely remains in the same place when the kite is buffeted by the wind, and acts as a kind of anchor, pulling the kite back to where it was. “It’s kind of a feedback mechanism. You yank the kite to one side and the tail responds more slowly, so the tail twists it back to where it was.” That, too, explains why many kite tails have bows intermitte­ntly tied to them: to add weight and friction, thus increasing the tail’s stabilizin­g effect.

As for the apparent curve in the kite’s string, Watson says that it’s not simply some illusion; it’s gravity pulling the string earthward.

Next summer, we’ll examine why fighting kites require two strings to manoeuvre, but that’s enough for now. Time for recess.

 ?? BRUCE DEACHMAN/OTTAWA CITIZEN ?? Gillian Lister, 9, flies her Canadian flag kite in the skies high above Ottawa.
BRUCE DEACHMAN/OTTAWA CITIZEN Gillian Lister, 9, flies her Canadian flag kite in the skies high above Ottawa.

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