Ottawa Citizen

Amour captures life dead-on



Emanuelle Riva picked up an Oscar nomination for her part in this heartbreak­ing story steeped in the harsh reality of the human condition: death. Yet, as potent as her performanc­e was, it’s really JeanLouis Trintignan­t who did the bulk of the heavy lifting in this Michael Haneke film that won the best foreign film prize for 2012. Trintignan­t plays Georges, one half of the aging couple facing the final chapter in this poetic look at committed love. When his wife suddenly strokes out and begins to lose her ability to function, Georges is left to shuffle through the everyday chores in a surreal haze, knowing it will all soon come to a painful end that he can’t bear to confront. Haneke captures these last throes of love through Trintignan­t’s expressive face, and frames the sense of emotional loss with a gentle hand without turning to saccharine device or melodrama. A complete and devastatin­g look at the many dimensions of death, Haneke quietly reminds us how beautiful life can be when it’s filled with love. Special features include Jean-Louis Trintignan­t talks about Amour, introducti­on by Philippe Rouyet.


Every time we take a single step outside, we have a direct impact on the lives of thousands of tiny insects, invertebra­tes and other organisms that make life possible. We should revere these tiny creatures, but sadly, they’re just too small for us to care about in the same way as, say, a dog, or cat, or fuzzy wuzzy bunny. Ice Age’s Chris Wedge attempts to bridge this big-small divide in Epic, a big story about the microscopi­c. Using a human, latter-day Alice in Wonderland as our hero, we shrink to the size of a bug and follow Mary Katherine (Amanda Seyfried) on a quest to help the Leafmen (protectors of all life in the forest) battle the Boggans (the source of death and rot). With Christoph Waltz playing the bad guy and Colin Farrell playing the good guy, everything unfolds according to the animated movie plan, but Epic has a few nice twists that give it a little something extra.

What Maisie Knew

You have to hand it to Julianne Moore for making this movie watchable, because without her, you’d have to wonder why it ever got made. A humourless and somewhat inane affair that takes itself all-too-seriously, this film from Scott McGehee and David Siegel centres on a custody battle over young, somewhat skeletal Maisie (Onata Aprile) — a little girl who seems really sweet, but has about five lines over the course of the entire film. When we meet her, she’s living with her rock ’n’ roll mom (Moore) and her British twit of a dad (Steve Coogan), but most of the daily routine is attended to by her au pair. When dad takes off with the nanny, mom is left to take on a bartender beau (Alexander Skarsgard) to help her get by, but things don’t go so well as the battle over who gets Maisie heats up — and the reality of single-parenthood sinks in. Most of the action feels untenable, but maybe some parents really are as selfish as these narcissist­ic dumb-dumbs who forget to pick up their kids for days and days, without even wondering where they may be. Thanks to Moore, who channels a Courtney Love style desperatio­n, it almost works. Special features include director’s commentary and deleted scenes.

The Shining, Anniversar­y Edition:

I don’t care what the scholars and the fan kids have to say about the hidden meanings, the back-tofront stuff and the conspiracy theories embedded into this classic piece of psychologi­cal horror. I love this movie because it burned itself into memory the first time I saw it in a theatre, and forever made me terrified of becoming a novelist suffering from writer’s block. Even as I type the words “All work and no play ...” I can feel the shiver of Jack Nicholson’s asymmetric­al glare through the splintered bathroom door. In other words, the imagery and the story connect in a way that reaches a level of primal fear, perhaps the toughest thing for any director to conjure, but something Stanley Kubrick seemed capable of doing in his tormented sleep. In this anniversar­y edition of the master’s classic, special features include audio commentary, Vivian Kubrick’s documentar­y on the making of The Shining, as well as new featurette­s: View from the Overlook: Crafting The Shining, The Visions of Stanley Kubrick, and Wendy Carlos, Composer. This new edition also includes a time-limited digital download option.

 ?? FOX ?? Grub (Chris O’Dowd), Mub (Aziz Ansari), Ronin (Colin Farrell) and Nod (Josh Hutcherson) prepare to aid a fallen comrade in Epic.
FOX Grub (Chris O’Dowd), Mub (Aziz Ansari), Ronin (Colin Farrell) and Nod (Josh Hutcherson) prepare to aid a fallen comrade in Epic.

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