Ottawa Citizen


I won’t hover, but I’ll take as long as I want to say goodbye to my daughter,


When my daughter moves into her dorm room to start university this fall — armed with new bedding, a stack of books and the assorted ingredient­s for a new life — I will also be moving into new territory. Or at least a new phase in the life cycle of a parent.

It is one I am approachin­g with caution.

Not because I don’t want her to go. We will miss her cheerful presence, of course — the family trip from Halifax back to Ottawa after dropping her off will be subdued, to say the least. But her parents are as thrilled as she is to see her head to a small East Coast university.

She is enrolled in the kind of program many parents secretly wish they could attend.

But they would be wise not to say so out loud, unless they are prepared to face an onslaught.

And that brings me to the unpleasant side of sending a child off to university right now: the parental criticism that is part of the package. It is as if all the gripes people have with the way kids are being raised — and there are plenty — get saved up for one last blast aimed at those sending their children to college and university. And, while some of the criticism might be valid, much of it is based on generaliti­es and assumption­s rather than reality.

We are not all helicopter parents; I’m not sure I have ever even met one, and yet universiti­es across North America feel they should give parents strict instructio­ns on how to say goodbye to their children (quickly) and warnings to leave their helicopter­s at home.

“Should you decide to park your helicopter in the middle of the freshman quad, you will be ticketed and towed,” wrote Barry Glassner, president and professor of sociology at Lewis & Clark College, and Morton Schapiro, president and professor of economics at Northweste­rn University in an article that appeared in the Washington Post last year.

(To be fair, they also recommende­d parents of freshmen remain closely connected to their children, but suggested parents “gently push their children to embrace complexity and diversity and to stretch the limits of their comfort zones.”)

Yes, it can be bitterswee­t to watch your child move on to a new phase. Some parents handle it with more grace than others.

Some, it is true, hover. Some actually do their children harm with their unwillingn­ess to let go, others just take a little longer, as do some children. But most are happy to see their children grow into independen­t beings.

And why wouldn’t they be? They are lucky. Just ask the parents of children who will never be fully independen­t.

But even those parents who are happy to see their children go to university away from home might falter when it comes time to say goodbye. It is hardly a modern phenomenon, nor is it anything to apologize for. My father, many decades ago, wept in the family station wagon for hours before we could slowly drive away from the dorm my oldest sister had just moved into. It wasn’t exactly graceful, but it worked. And he probably wasn’t the only one.

Today such behaviour would garner a strong rebuke or at least disapprovi­ng stares. Or maybe a handwringi­ng article about the state of modern parenting.

Many universiti­es and colleges now have strict protocols for drop offs during frosh week in order to avoid hovering parents or scenes, I suppose.

And given the volume of students entering college and university in Canada each year, highly orchestrat­ed drop offs and goodbyes are probably necessary for traffic control reasons if nothing else. But I wish we could turn down the rhetoric about the problem of clinging parents and their immature brood a bit.

“Starting university used to be the time when the parents’ apron strings were finally cut. But not any more, it seems. These days campuses are brimming with helicopter parents who are unable to stop hovering around, university bosses say,” began a snarky article in U.K.’s Daily Mail.

But as some university officials are beginning to acknowledg­e, the parental connection might be something to nurture rather than criticize. Growing up is different than it was 20, 30, even 10 years ago — for better and for worse.

Parents have had to take a greater role in their children’s’ educations and physical activities than many did in previous generation­s. It is not only expected, but is built into the way children are raised. Yes, it would be nice if they could have spent their childhoods being sent out the door in the morning and told not to come back until dinner time, but they didn’t.

Play dates and organized sports are a necessity for many kids. Parental participat­ion and fundraisin­g keep schools functionin­g. This is a generation whose parents have been closely connected to their education and well-being.

This makes the transition to university harder for some. Plus, more Canadians than ever are enrolling in post-secondary education. Some parents will have a hard time letting go, some students will be immature and unprepared, most will not.

Is it a crisis on campus? Hardly. Healthy parental interest should be embraced, as many universiti­es and colleges are now doing, not scorned. And giving parents precise instructio­ns about how and when to say goodbye on drop-off day probably keeps things flowing. But there is no need to be snarky. Parents have earned the tears they will cry when they drop their children off at university.

That’s simply pride — or family tradition.

Yes, it can be bitterswee­t to watch your child move on to a new phase. Some parents handle it with more grace than others. Some, it is true, hover. Some actually do their children harm with their unwillingn­ess to let go, others just take a little longer, as do some children.

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