Ottawa Citizen

Team probes bats’ secrets of longevity

Scientists marvel at how bats respond to genetic wear and tear,

- writes NATASHA KHAN.

Count Dracula was onto something. Bats. The immortal Prince of Darkness has been associated with the flying mammals since he first flitted through Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel. Now, scientists seek to unlock another trait the vampire shares with bats: the secret of longevity.

The volume of published scientific research on bat viruses has doubled in the past decade with the discovery that they’re probably a natural reservoir for global killers such as Ebola, severe acute respirator­y syndrome and the Middle East respirator­y syndrome. Along the way, scientists have been startled by how well they respond to the genetic wear and tear that’s a feature of life, aging and diseases such as cancer.

“The most outstandin­g difference we’ve seen between bats and other mammals has to do with DNA repair,” said Linfa Wang, 53, director of the emerging infectious disease program at the DukeNUS graduate medical school in Singapore. “If the science is as true as we think it is, we can unlock the mechanisms and it can have a huge, huge impact.”

Wang, dubbed by some colleagues the “Bat Man,” was awarded a grant in April from the National Research Foundation of Singapore and is hiring a team of 10 researcher­s to study the animals’ genomics. How some species can live three times longer than other mammals their size may be linked to their ability to carry viruses that are deadly to other animals, as well as their low rates of cancer, he said.

Since their ancestors first took flight more than 50 million years ago, bats have spread across all continents and into every habitat bar the polar extremes. They’ve evolved into more than 1,100 species, from the bumblebees­ized Kitti’s hog-nosed bat, the world’s smallest mammal, to fruit-eating flying foxes with six-foot (1.8-metre) wingspans. Wang’s research will focus on the black flying fox, Pteropus alecto.

The ability to fly means bats can spread zoonoses — diseases that transmit from vertebrate animals to humans — across the globe. In September 1994, Queensland horse trainer Vic Rail, a stablehand and most of his animals fell ill. Within days, Rail and 14 horses were dead. Around the same time, there was another outbreak about 800 kilometres away. Researcher­s began testing wild animals in search of a likely source. They found antibodies for the newly discovered Hendra virus in fruit bats. Wang took over the Hendra research two years later, and now has a team of 25 scientists researchin­g the potential threat from bat-borne viruses.

Such viruses have probably been in bats “forever,” said Brisbane-based veterinary epidemiolo­gist Hume Field, who worked closely with Wang’s team. Bats are starting to have a bigger impact on humans due to the destructio­n of their habitats. “Their food resources have got to be less reliable so they’ve become urban creatures,” he said.

Viruses typically transmit from bats to humans through another mammal that is either geneticall­y closer or has more opportunit­ies of exposure, as was the probable case with the civet cat and SARS. When the World Health Organizati­on assembled a team to investigat­e SARS towards the end of the outbreak in 2003, Wang was recruited. He suggested bats might be involved. A few years later, they were found to harbour a coronaviru­s similar to SARS, bringing a flurry of converts and new research.

“My interest with bats started with SARS,” University of Hong Kong microbiolo­gist K.Y. Yuen said. “If we have another virus jumping into humans, bats should immediatel­y be considered.”

As people live longer, diseases related to aging and cell damage, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s, are a growing scourge. Bats’ cells are adapted to survive surges in metabolism — their hearts can go from 10 beats per minute during hibernatio­n to 1,000 beats in flight. A similar change in humans would create a lethal shortage of oxygen and oversupply of toxic by-products of the metabolic process that damage DNA.

“Bats’ ability to do better with DNA damage repair, live longer, have less cancer, carry viruses without disease — we think this is all a different display of the same thing.”

 ?? LARRY KOLVOORD/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? Bats have evolved into more than 1,100 species, from the hog-nosed bat to fruit-eating flying foxes.
LARRY KOLVOORD/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES Bats have evolved into more than 1,100 species, from the hog-nosed bat to fruit-eating flying foxes.

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