Ottawa Citizen

The downside of computing on the cloud

Trade agreement could create barriers to privacy protection


Does it matter where your computer data such as email, digital photos, personal videos, and documents resides? The Canadian Chamber of Commerce apparently doesn’t think so. It recently joined forces with its U.S. counterpar­t to argue for new rules in the Trans Pacific Partnershi­p — a proposed new trade agreement that includes Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia and many other Asian and South American countries — that would create barriers to privacy protection­s designed to require that personal data be stored locally.

For years, the issue was largely irrelevant to most computer users since their data was typically kept on computer hard drives within their own homes or offices. While there was always a security risk associated with malware or hackers, using reasonable security precaution­s provided some protection and there was little risk of warrantles­s access to the data. More recently, Internet companies have promoted the benefits of cloud computing, a reference to storing data online on giant computer server farms maintained by companies such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. Cloud-based services offer a host of advantages, including access any time from any device (provided you have Internet connectivi­ty), the eliminatio­n of the need for software upgrades, seemingly infinite storage capacity, and state of the art security systems.

Yet for all the benefits, the recent disclosure­s of widespread Internet surveillan­ce represents an enormous privacy risk that could tilt the balance away from cloud-based services altogether or increase demand for local providers that are less vulnerable to U.S.-based surveillan­ce. In fact, the Informatio­n Technology and Innovation Foundation recently estimated that the U.S. cloud computing industry could lose tens of billions of dollars in the coming years should non-U.S. users withdraw their data.

Foreign cloud computing providers will undoubtedl­y try to seize this opportunit­y. Some European providers have already experience­d a sharp increase in sales in the aftermath of the surveillan­ce disclosure­s. Meanwhile, Canadian companies such as Bell have begun to tout their made-in-Canada data storage services, while Telus has emphasized the privacy risks due to a Verizon entry into Canada.

Whether local providers can provide better safeguards is still unclear, however, since the full scope of Canadian-based surveillan­ce remains shrouded in secrecy. Moreover, Canadian-based data often crosses the border into the U.S. during routine transmissi­ons, which presumably allows for the communicat­ions to be captured by the expansive surveillan­ce infrastruc­ture that seemingly tracks all Internet communicat­ions.

Even if Canadian companies could provide privacy assurances that the data they store is not subject to U.S. snooping, the plan from the Canadian and U.S. chambers of commerce would be to prohibit government­s — national and provincial — from creating legal requiremen­ts to store data domestical­ly.

The plan from the chambers of commerce would be to prohibit government­s from creating legal requiremen­ts to store data domestical­ly.

Their concern about legislativ­e blocking of data transfers predates the recent surveillan­ce disclosure­s. In 2004, the British Columbia government, and later Nova Scotia, responded to concerns that provincial health data could be subject to disclosure under the USA Patriot Act by enacting a law requiring public bodies to ensure “personal informatio­n in its custody or under its control is stored only in Canada and accessed only in Canada.” The same law also requires those institutio­ns and their service providers to notify the minister if they receive a foreign demand for personal informatio­n.

While these laws are limited to government­al storage of data, the surveillan­ce programs make no such distinctio­n. The concerns associated with the USA Patriot Act may have been overstated but, as the scope of surveillan­ce activities comes into focus, public concern appears to be well justified. This suggests that there might be mounting pressure for similar safeguards over private-sector activities and that adopting the Canadian Chamber of Commerce proposal within the TPP would dangerousl­y preclude the government from providing Canadians with much-needed privacy safeguards.

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