Ottawa Citizen

Refugee advocates slam flood of deportatio­ns

Tories won a majority and decided they could ‘get away with murder,’ lawyer says Where 2013 deportees went


doctors are overriding the advice of attending physicians without ever examining the patient, possibly as a matter of course that’s raising all sorts of ethical issues.

“They used to be open to compelling reasons why the removal should be deferred,” she said. “You could present those arguments and they would consider them and they would include medical considerat­ions. Now, they’re taking a much firmer line and this is going on since the beginning of the year.”

Figures obtained by Postmedia News from the Canada Border Services Agency show the largest number of deported claimants was shipped off to Hungary (1,652) and Mexico (1,373) — the two biggest producers of failed asylum seekers in recent years and the inspiratio­n behind some of the legislativ­e changes.

Of the 37 countries listed since December as unlikely producers of refugees, Hungary and Mexico are also the most widely disputed due to ongoing safety concerns in those countries that have, despite the designatio­n, also resulted in numerous valid claims compared to other socalled safe countries.

The United States, Colombia, St. Vincent and the Grena- * Designated countries of origin (DCO) countries:

Non-DCO countries: dines, China and Croatia were among the other top destinatio­ns for deported claimants, according to the figures, which include deportatio­ns conducted from Jan. 1 to Aug. 13, 2013. The U.S. and Croatia are also on the “designated country of origin” safe list.

Meanwhile, 52 failed claimants were deported to Haiti, Afghanista­n, Zimbabwe, Iraq and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which are listed on Canada’s Temporary Suspension of Removals list. Canada is prohibited from deporting people to listed countries for safety reasons but the order does not extend to criminals. According to the CBSA, the figures include failed claimants deemed inadmissib­le due to criminalit­y.

It also includes more than 2,200 failed claimants who agreed to leave the country voluntaril­y under the Assisted Voluntary Returns and Reintegrat­ion Program, a Toronto-area pilot project that provides low-risk failed claimants with a plane ticket and resettleme­nt funding if they agree to leave without a fight.

Montreal lawyer Stewart Istvanffy agreed those who do fight deportatio­n increasing­ly face an uphill battle.

“I think it’s partly just the Conservati­ves got a majority in May 2011 and now they figure they could get away with murder, so they’re doing it,” he said.

In the last year, he has had about six clients with serious medical problems denied a stay. He won a reprieve for three.

He’s shocked, however, that he did not succeed in the case of Khurshid Begum Awan, a 57-year-old Pakistani woman ordered to leave the country at 6 p.m. Wednesday despite a recent heart attack. CBSA officers first barged into her hospital room last month while she was recovering to inform her that she would be deported the next day. Weeks later they showed up at her Montreal home to deliver a deportatio­n letter.

“She has a heart condition. She’s scared sh-tless going back to Pakistan,” Istvanffy said. “We can visibly see her health declining in front of our eyes and these people don’t seem to care.”

Istvanffy learned his client never did show up for her deportatio­n and he’s still trying to figure out what to do next.

While the government will spare no expense for a nurse or full medical evacuation to remove somebody, Istvanffy added, his clients are generally on their own upon arrival at their destinatio­n.

“It’s an incredible level of inhumanity what we see now,” he said.

According to the CBSA, “matters concerning the health and safety of our clients are taken very seriously.” If there are health concerns, spokeswoma­n Esme Bailey said medical profession­als are consulted and appropriat­e measures, including medical escorts, are put in place.

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