Ottawa Citizen

One way to fix Canada’s crumbling infrastruc­ture

- GERRY WEINER Gerry Weiner is was Canadian minister of citizenshi­p and immigratio­n under former prime minister Brian Mulroney who introduced the investor immigrant program in Canada. He works as a special adviser to Pace Law Firm in Toronto.

As an editorial in the Citizen this week correctly noted, finding innovative funding mechanisms for infrastruc­ture renewal in Canada is long overdue. The context of the editorial was the Associatio­n of Municipali­ties of Ontario annual meeting, which was held in Ottawa and which was long on bemoaning the need for funding and short on tangible options to achieve it. But the “other” government in Ottawa may hold the key to solving this problem.

Most readers will recall the extensive coverage of the steps the Stephen Harper government has launched to reform Canada’s immigratio­n system. Meanwhile, there has also been a plethora of news stories about the critical need to finance the repair and modernize deteriorat­ing local infrastruc­ture in Canada over the last few months. While these stories may seem unconnecte­d, using innovative strategies to achieve the former may actually help solve the latter.

Examples of crumbling municipal infrastruc­ture are becoming almost daily occurrence­s throughout Canada. From falling pieces off the Gardiner Expressway in Toronto, to broken water mains and collapsing roads in Ottawa, to the collapse of the Ville Marie Tunnel in Montreal, to blunt warnings from the Premier of Alberta, the need for infrastruc­ture renewal is a situation that can no longer be put off.

While all three levels of government and the Federation of Canadian Municipali­ties have acknowledg­ed the critical need for action, what’s lacking is a funding strategy to address what FCM has estimated as a $170-billion funding deficit over the next 30 years.

Current federal contributi­ons to local infrastruc­ture are insufficie­nt to meet this daunting challenge, and current federal transfers to municipali­ties in this area expire in 2014. Finding a long-term, non-tax funding source is clearly a desirable strategy, and the good news is that it may be available through ongoing reforms to the immigratio­n system.

Immigratio­n reform is a multifacet­ed, complex issue which has suffered from decades of neglect and a “we’ve always done it that way” approach from government. Fortunatel­y, former Citizenshi­p and Immigratio­n Minister Jason Kenney clearly immersed himself in the myriad details of how our system works and how — and why — it doesn’t. The result has been a host of much needed changes with more on the way, including to the investor program as signalled recently by new the immigratio­n minister, Chris Alexander.

The announced reforms also include a deliberate effort to increase the economic benefit to Canadians arising from immigratio­n. An overhaul of the entire immigrant investor program is contemplat­ed as part of this effort. Canada is not alone in this modernizat­ion as other western countries, such as the U.S. and Australia, are taking steps to attract and retain appropriat­ely screened and vetted individual­s who wish to make a new life for themselves and their families through investment­s in their new home country.

Hopefully, the reforms to the immigrant investor program will include a targeted investment program with enhanced investor screening that supports defined Canadian economic priorities such as financing infrastruc­ture modernizat­ion. Such a program could see foreign high net-worth individual­s invest $5 million each into designated municipal infrastruc­ture projects put forward by Canadian municipali­ties and pre-approved by Infrastruc­ture Canada.

The funds would be secured by a municipal bond carrying a competitiv­e rate of interest and guaranteed over a 30-year life span, both in terms of interest and principal, by the federal government.

Unlike the current immigrant investor program, the bonds should be privately transferab­le after five years but not redeemable until after 30 years.

Three years after making the investment, the investor and defined family members could be made eligible for citizenshi­p, if the residency requiremen­ts were met, the investment has been made as required and no actions leading to an inadmissib­ility finding have occurred.

Should such inadmissib­ility occur from either unrelated conduct or failure to complete the investment, special expedited removal without return of funds could be a part of the original investor agreement.

In order to attract participan­t investors, the program should include a commitment by the government to ensure that it processes appropriat­ely and specially screened applicatio­ns within a defined expedited period. The program should be self funding with all costs of screening, matching and investment monitoring funded through investor fees paid as part of the applicatio­n.

There is clearly an unpreceden­ted need for a non-tax funding strategy to address the infrastruc­ture deficit in Canada. Fortunatel­y, there is an equally unpreceden­ted opportunit­y to achieve this goal through the modernizat­ion of the current immigrant investor program.

These kind of “win-win” situations are relatively rare in public policy involving expenditur­es, so hopefully, the now anticipate­d throne speech will see a commitment to such a specialize­d infrastruc­ture investment program.

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