Ottawa Citizen

Couple aims to set fuel economy record

They’ll be ever so light on the throttle


People pause when I tell them what the coming week involves. Over the phone, there’s a hesitation — silence — then, “You’re doing what?”

Yes, that’s right. By the time you read this, I’ll be trapped in a car with my husband, Garry Sowerby, for 6,000 kilometres. Over the next eight days, we will be feather-footing our way from Vancouver to Halifax, driving the speed limit — attempting to set a new record for lowest fuel consumptio­n. We’ll be using the least amount of fuel on a cross-Canada drive. We want to set a record that will be difficult for someone else to beat within the same parameters.

For us to succeed, we have to stick to the shortest route, barely veer off for food, libations and accommodat­ions and, here’s the kicker, drive exactly the speed limit. We won’t see much beyond the Trans Canada Highway and what it may (or may not) offer.

Obviously, the choice of vehicle is important. We are driving a 2014 Chevrolet Cruze Clean Turbo Diesel. We’re hoping to see the on-board computer read an impressive highway fuel consumptio­n rating, somewhere in the four-point-something L/100 km range. The current record is 5.59 L/100km set last year by Volkswagen and Shell using a 2012 VW Passat.

We’ll have to be ever so light on the throttle, which won’t let us experience the diesel’s V6-like performanc­e and torque, but we’ll definitely be investigat­ing its four-cylinder efficiency.

The Chevy Cruze Clean Turbo Diesel’s 2.0L turbocharg­ed clean diesel engine produces 151 horsepower and 264 pound-feet of lowend torque.

Diesel is catching on in Canada, especially with a new generation of diesel engines that are less noisy and don’t have the traditiona­l vibration or telltale black exhaust that may have turned some people off in the past.

Garry is excited. He says how much he’s looking forward to this “vacation.” The words “excited” and “vacation” are not what come to mind to describe what I’m feeling. Certainly every once in a while I get a glimmer of “Oh, seeing our beautiful country this way might not be so bad.” But it’s quickly overshadow­ed by the thought of how important a light suitcase will be. Then my brain gets jittery thinking, “Good lord, I can only bring one pair of shoes!”

And while the topic of fuel consumptio­n is top of mind for vehicle owners, let’s face it, it’s not very sexy. Can it possibly be? Maybe, so Garry and I want to have fun and get a bit silly driving across the country in a good old-fashioned, go-for-broke road trip.

During the 6,000-plus-kilometre Trans-Canada trek, starting Aug. 22 and continuing to about Aug. 30, we plan to interview Canadians who make the great highway tick. We want to ask them questions such as: What’s your proudest moment as a Canadian? What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen along the TCH? How far have you driven along the TCH? Why would you like to come with us?

We also want to ask you what burning question you have for those Canadians who make the Trans Canada tick. Send us your ideas. Fill us in on Twitter, Facebook or on our blog ( Help us check the pulse of Canadians.

Our friends are placing bets on whether our marriage will survive. Will one of us get dropped off somewhere between Kenora and Thunder Bay, never to be seen again? Who needs enemies? They’re also subjecting us to corny comments such as: “Sounds sort of fuelish to me.”

Speaking of corny, we’ll also be capturing goofy roadside Canadiana: Big Thing of the Day. Sign of the day. Best music scene on the TCH. Look for us out there on the road.

But our ultimate goal, of course, is to produce an excellent fuel economy number with the Chevy Cruze Diesel, as well make a “boring” trip fun.

One of my secret goals is to see how I’ll survive eight days with only one pair of shoes.

 ?? LISA CALVI/POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Lisa Calvi and her husband Garry Sowerby aim to drive exactly the speed limit during their journey.
LISA CALVI/POSTMEDIA NEWS Lisa Calvi and her husband Garry Sowerby aim to drive exactly the speed limit during their journey.
 ??  ?? Lisa Calvi and her husband, Garry Sowerby, are trying to set a new record for fuel consumptio­n across Canada.
Lisa Calvi and her husband, Garry Sowerby, are trying to set a new record for fuel consumptio­n across Canada.

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