Ottawa Citizen

Satellite reveals work on possible nuke site

Iran calls asphalting regular maintenanc­e


VIENNA, Austria A U.S. institute tracking Iran’s nuclear program says recent satellite images it has analyzed show further major alteration­s of a military site that the UN has long tried to access to follow up suspicions that Tehran may have used it in attempts to develop atomic arms.

The four photos from satellite company DigitalGlo­be and GeoEye were seen by The Associated Press ahead of publicatio­n by the Institute for Science and Internatio­nal Security planned for Thursday.

The images show what ISIS said was progressiv­e asphalting of an area of the Parchin complex that the UN’s Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency has said was a possible location for testing convention­al explosive triggers for a nuclear blast.

Experts of the UN nuclear watchdog organizati­on met Iranian negotiator­s 10 times over 18 months in sessions ending earlier this year in futile attempts to gain access to the site and test Tehran’s insistence that it was a convention­al military area with no link to nuclear tests.

Iran has said the asphalting is part of regular maintenanc­e and road work. But with its probe blocked — and signs of other activity — IAEA concerns have grown that it might be an attempt to cover up work on a weapons program while it keeps away inspectors.

Asphalting the area would make it more difficult to take soil samples in the search for traces of testing. Beyond the asphalt work, IAEA chief Yukiya Amano told reporters earlier this year he was also concerned about soil removal, and “possible dismantlin­g of infrastruc­tures” at Parchin. Because of such alleged activities, he said “it may no longer be possible to find anything even if we have access to the site.”

Olli Heinonen, the previous head of the IAEA’s Iran probe, also said the standoff meant any inspection by agency experts could be inconclusi­ve even if they do get access. That, he said, meant that Tehran “has lost an important opportunit­y” to prove that it had nothing to hide.

But he said, without elaboratio­n, that even without being able to inspect the facility, the IAEA has other informatio­n indicating Iranian interest in such explosive triggers and the role that the site might have played in that regard.

Heinonen suggested that the paved over area resembles a huge parking facility but said that with “very little material movements and trucks driving in and out” of the site it was “hard to see what kind of work requires such parking lots.”

Iran dismisses suggestion­s it worked on atomic arms at Parchin or anywhere else. It has blamed the IAEA for the standoff, saying it is caused by the agency’s refusal to agree on strict parameters that would govern its probe. The agency in turn says such an agreement would tie its hands by putting limits on what it could look for and whom it could question. It bases its suspicions of nuclear-weapons research and developmen­t by Iran on its own research and intelligen­ce from the U.S., Israel and other Iran critics.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? This rendering, said to come from inside Iran’s Parchin military site, shows a chamber of the type needed for nuclear arms-related tests that UN inspectors suspect Tehran has conducted at the site.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS This rendering, said to come from inside Iran’s Parchin military site, shows a chamber of the type needed for nuclear arms-related tests that UN inspectors suspect Tehran has conducted at the site.

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