Ottawa Citizen

Back Pain belt allows you to get relief from your aching back, without the side-effects of drugs.

Doctor developed 2-in-1 belt will stretch and support your back to help with your back pain. Dr.Ho’s belt will save you money, time and help you get the relief you’ve been looking for. Get the benefits of decompress­ion in an easy to wear, light weight, no

- B: Dr. Michel Rice Health and Wellness To be one of the first 100 customers, please call 1-877-374-6669

If you ever had back pain, you know how debilitati­ng it can be. Two years ago, Walter awoke to crippling pain. “I woke up and I couldn’t even get out of bed. My back seized up and I took a pain pill hoping the pain would disappear. It never did,” recalls the 50 year old fireman. This story is similar for Peggy. “I had worked for 20 years and my neck, back and shoulders are in pain everyday. Sitting all day has caused me to hunch over and I get terrible back pain.” Walter and Peggy met with multiple specialist ,,yet the pain never went away. Finally both wound up at Dr. Michael Ho’s clinic. To their surprise, Dr. Ho's treatments were different. He also provided them with his back pain belt to use at home. After a few treatments, both patients couldn’t believe their results! “My biggest regret is that I didn’t know of Dr. Ho sooner. I honestly don’t suffer with the pain anymore and I tell everyone about Dr. Ho and his belt. I must of bought 3 or 4 as gifts. This is the best purchase I have ever made,” exclaimed Peggy. “Treatments can provide temporary relief, but the condition usually reoccurs. The reason is because the patient is lacking the home therapy treatments between visits and therefore the level of improvemen­t may not be sufficient. Back pain treatments can cost thousands of dollars with no guarantees. This is why most people think they have to live with the pain. There needed to be another solution that people could afford and still be just as effective” says Dr. Michael Ho. Dr. Michael Ho is a Canadian doctor that is internatio­nally recognized for his expertise in treating pain. His specialize­d technique and devices target the cause of the pain in order to effectivel­y treat and provide long-term relief for his patients. “Pain is caused by muscle tension, stress, degenerati­on and misalignme­nts, which causes pain and tension, putting excess strain on the joints and nerves causing a pinching effect that prevents proper circulatio­n and oxygen to the muscles. When the muscles are deprived of oxygen, cramping, numbness, stiffness, swelling and pain occur.” “Clinics have the equipment and resources to help patients, but the problem is that to effectivel­y treat chronic pain, the treatments must be more frequent and for a longer period of time.” The problem is people cannot afford the time or money to come to the clinic everyday. This is why Dr. Ho developed a home use back pain belt that allowed patients to treat themselves at home whenever they experience­d any pain. “After years of research, we were able to develop a Decompress­ion Belt that is extremely effective in helping with back pain, easy to use, affordable and you can use the belt at home, at work, going for walks and even in the car.” Dr. Ho has developed a clinical grade decompress­ion belt that can be used in the comfort of your own home, allowing you to help relieve your back pain at home - saving you the time, money and pain. Dr. Ho's new Decompress­ion Belt is endorsed by medical profession­als and customers that have suffered with long-term, chronic back pain. “Every patient with back pain should be wearing this belt because it gives core strength and support in your spine, and a traction effect for great pain relief. The great thing is that patients with chronic back pain can wear this belt and get their life back. They feel more confident, more active, and do things that they love doing,” explains back specialist, Dr. Rice. DR-HO'S Decompress­ion Belt expands to allow traction, providing spinal support and pain relief for the lower back. Wrapped firmly around your waist, the Decompress­ion Belt will help support and relieve your aching back, even if you have suffered for many years. By decompress­ing your disc, you relieve the pressure on the nerve, allowing better circulatio­n & less pain in your back & legs. "I have used many modalities to treat my patients, but nothing has been as effective as the Decompress­ion Belt. I developed this belt for people suffering from herniated discs, pinched nerves, sciatica and back pain. Whether you are working, walking or sitting, this belt can help protect, support and stretch your back. Most importantl­y, you can be pain-free," explains Dr. Ho. The Decompress­ion Belt has soldout many times. “As a proud Canadian company, we saved a limited number of belts for readers of the Ottawa Citizen”. As a Back to School sale, Dr. Ho is giving the first 100 customers a FREE Heating pad which is great for soothing tight, tense muslces. “The Decompress­ion Belt will help eliminate your back pain fast, safe and without the use of drugs. You don’t have to live with your back pain any longer.”

 ??  ?? Dr.Ho treats patient with chronic back pain including herniated and degenerati­ve disc
Dr.Ho treats patient with chronic back pain including herniated and degenerati­ve disc

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