Ottawa Citizen

Internatio­nal opinion not in Obama’s favour

The world’s political landscape now looks far different than what the U.S. president thought it would be, writes JULIE PACE.


Nearly five years as U. S. president, Barack Obama confronts a world far different from what he envisioned when he first took office. American influence is declining in the Middle East as violence and instabilit­y rock Arab countries. An ambitious attempt to reset U.S. relations with Russia faltered and failed. Even in Obamafrien­dly Europe, there’s deep skepticism about Washington’s government surveillan­ce programs.

In some cases, the current climate has been driven by factors outside the White House’s control. But missteps by the president also are to blame, say foreign policy analysts, including some who worked for the Obama administra­tion.

Among them: miscalcula­ting the fallout from the Arab Spring uprisings, publicly setting unrealisti­c expectatio­ns for improved ties with Russia and a reactive decision-making process that can leave the White House appearing to veer from crisis to crisis without a broader strategy.

Rosa Brooks, a former U.S. Defence Department official who left the administra­tion in 2011, said that while the shrinking U.S. leverage overseas predates the current president, “Obama has sometimes equated ‘ we have no leverage’ with ‘there’s no point to really doing anything.’ ”

Obama, faced most urgently with escalating crises in Egypt and Syria, has defended his measured approach, saying America’s ability to solve the world’s problems on its own has been “overstated.”

“Sometimes what we’ve seen is that folks will call for immediate action, jumping into stuff, that does not turn out well, gets us mired in very difficult situations,” he said.

The strongest challenge to Obama’s philosophy on interventi­on has come from the deepening tumult in the Middle East and North Africa. The president saw great promise in the region when he first took office and pledged “a new beginning” with the Arab world when he travelled to Cairo in 2009.

But the democracy protests that spread across the region quickly scrambled Obama’s efforts. While the U.S. has consistent­ly backed the rights of people seeking democracy, the violence that followed has often left the Obama administra­tion unsure of its next move or taking tentative steps that do little to change the situation on the ground.

In Egypt, where the country’s first democratic­ally elected president was ousted last month, the U.S. has refused to call Mohammed Morsi’s removal a coup. The ruling military, which the U.S. has financiall­y backed for decades, has largely ignored Obama’s calls to end assaults on Morsi supporters. And U.S. officials are internally at odds over whether to cut off aid to the military.

In Syria, where more than 100,000 people have been killed during the two-and-a-half year civil war, Obama’s pledges that President Bashar Assad will be held accountabl­e have failed to push the Syrian leader from office. And despite warning that Assad’s use of chemical weapons would cross a “red line” in Syria, there was scant American retaliatio­n when he did use the toxic gases.

On Sunday, a senior administra­tion official said there is “very little doubt” that a chemical weapon was used by the Syrian regime against civilians in an incident that killed at least a hundred people last week. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he or she was not authorized to speak publicly.

Few foreign policy experts predicted the Arab uprisings, and it’s unlikely the U.S. could have — or should have — done anything to prevent the protests. But analysts say Obama misjudged the movements’ next stages, including Assad’s ability to cling to power and the strength of Islamist political parties in Egypt.

“The president has not had a longterm strategic vision,” said Vali Nasr, who advised the Obama administra­tion on foreign policy in the first term and now serves as dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Internatio­nal Studies. “They’re moving issue to issue and reacting as situations come up.”

Obama advisers say the president is frustrated by what is seen as a lack of good options for dealing with Arab unrest. But the president himself has pushed back at the notion that the U.S. has lost credibilit­y on the world stage because he hasn’t acted more forcefully.

“We remain the one indispensa­ble nation,” Obama said in a CNN interview broadcast Friday. “There’s a reason why, when you listen to what’s happened around Egypt and Syria, that everybody asks what the U.S. is doing. It’s because the United States continues to be the one country that people expect can do more than just simply protect their borders.”

But the perception of a president lacking in internatio­nal influence extends beyond the Arab world, particular­ly to Russia. Since re-assuming the presidency last year, Vladimir Putin has blocked U.S. efforts to seek action against Syria at the United Nations and has balked at Obama’s efforts to seek new agreements on arms control.

‘Sometimes what we’ve seen is that folks will call for immediate action, jumping into stuff, that does not turn out well, gets us mired in very difficult situations.’


Putin’s hard-line approach stands in stark contrast to the relationsh­ip Obama cultivated in his first term with Putin’s predecesso­r, Dmitri Medvedev. The two held friendly meetings in Moscow and Washington and achieved policy breakthrou­ghs. They inked a new nuclear reduction agreement, and Moscow agreed to open up supply lines to help the U.S. pull troops and equipment out of Afghanista­n.

Michael O’Hanlon, a national security analyst at The Brookings Institutio­n, said the president miscalcula­ted in assuming that a few signs of improved ties would be enough to overcome years of distrust with the Russians. The White House’s ties with Russia were further damaged this summer when Moscow granted temporary asylum to Edward Snowden, the former U.S. government contractor accused of leaking documents detailing secret American surveillan­ce programs. In retaliatio­n, Obama cancelled plans to meet with Putin in Moscow next month, though he will still attend the meeting of leading rich and developing nations in St. Petersburg, Russia.

But the internatio­nal impact from the National Security Agency revelation­s has spread beyond Russia. In Europe, where Obama’s 2008 election was greeted with cheers, some leaders have publicly criticized the surveillan­ce programs.

A Pew Research Center poll conducted this spring, before the NSA programs were revealed, showed that support for Obama’s internatio­nal policies was down in most of the countries surveyed, including a 14-point drop in Britain and a 12-point drop in France.

 ?? SAUL LOEB/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? U.S. President Barack Obama, after five years in office, is finding his biggest challenges in the Middle East, Russia and northern Africa.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/GETTY IMAGES U.S. President Barack Obama, after five years in office, is finding his biggest challenges in the Middle East, Russia and northern Africa.

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