Ottawa Citizen

Retrofit could cause gas shortage: Enbridge

Changing pipeline to oil would raise heating bills, director warns


Enbridge Gas Distributi­on is voicing concerns over TransCanad­a Corp.’s planned Energy East Pipeline project, warning the conversion of an existing natural gas line could send winter heating bills higher and leave many in the city without heat during the coldest months.

According to the City of Ottawa’s lobbying registry, on Aug. 22, Jamie LeBlanc, Enbridge Distributi­on’s director, energy supply and policy, and Michelle Wasylyshen, manager of government relations, met with three Ottawa city councillor­s and the City of Ottawa’s general manager of planning and growth management, John Moser, to express reservatio­ns about TransCanad­a’s proposal.

The Energy East project would retrofit the company’s 3,000-kilometre Canadian Mainline natural gas pipeline, which runs through rural areas in the south end of Ottawa and across the Rideau River, so it can carry more than 1.1 million barrels of crude oil a day to refineries and oil tankers on the East Coast.

The line is currently underused, TransCanad­a has said, and altering it to carry crude oil alongside natural gas will the allow the company to more fully use its existing infrastruc­ture.

However according to a copy of the presentati­on the Enbridge delegation delivered to Moser and councillor­s Marianne Wilkinson, Doug Thompson and Eli ElChantiry, “As it stands now for example, post conversion, Enbridge would be as much as 25 per cent short of capacity needed to serve the Ottawa area on the coldest days of winter.”

“TransCanad­a is creating the impression that most or all of the pipe they are considerin­g for re-deployment is excess capacity — this is far from the case for the Eastern Triangle (east of North Bay).”

While the company wouldn’t elaborate on its concerns further, a spokeswoma­n for Enbridge, which provides natural gas to more than two million customers across Ontario, confirmed the meeting with city officials took place and said the company is in talks with TransCanad­a to try to ensure that the supply of natural gas coming into Ottawa remains uninterrup­ted. She also said the company is working to ensure that prices don’t rise as a result of constraine­d supply should TransCanad­a’s plans be approved.

“We have a vested interest in and an obligation to ensuring that any potential natural gas supply constraint­s can be addressed in a way that is not at the expense of the natural gas market and ultimately our customers,” said Enbridge spokeswoma­n Chris Meyer in an emailed statement.

Meyer also said TransCanad­a might need to build a second pipeline along some parts of the Energy East route to handle transporti­ng the natural gas that it plans to displace.

“While there is sufficient excess capacity on the main line west of North Bay, a new line will have to be built to replace any capacity that is taken out from North Bay to Iroquois. Enbridge Gas wants to ensure that gas customers are not financiall­y harmed by redeployme­nt of utilized gas facilities to (carry) oil,” she said.

TransCanad­a denied any new constructi­on would be necessary.

“We will not have to build a new pipeline. As we have previously said TransCanad­a will ensure that we continue to meet our firm natural gas contractua­l obligation­s,” said Philippe Cannon, a spokesman for TransCanad­a. “TransCanad­a will ensure that even after the conversion of a portion of its natural gas Mainline to oil service, its natural gas pipeline system will have sufficient capacity remaining to be able to transport the firm natural gas volumes that customers have contracted ... to Eastern Canadian markets.”

Cannon said the Mainline consists of multiple natural gas pipelines running side-by-side, and if excess demand were detected, TransCanad­a could simply reroute one of the existing lines to add more supply to homes in Ottawa.

The company claims the project will help to reduce Eastern Canada’s dependence on imported oil while offering Alberta oil companies better access to shipping ports where crude can be loaded onto oil tankers and sent overseas. TransCanad­a would like to see the crude oil flowing east as early as 2017. The company will release a study Tuesday morning that will explore the investment the firm is prepared to make.

Enbridge’s concerns raise more questions for TransCanad­a, which already faces opposition from environmen­tal groups and questions from area politician­s who want to know what role the company will play in the event of a possible pipe rupture and oil spill.

The City of Ottawa has said that since the pipelines TransCanad­a plans to use are already running on existing rights-of-way granted to the federal government years ago, there is little the municipali­ty can do or say to oppose the proposed project.

This fall, TransCanad­a plans to begin consulting Ottawa residents who live in or near areas through which the pipeline would pass.

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