Ottawa Citizen

Author claims JFK’s brain stolen by brother


NEW YORK U.S. President John F. Kennedy’s brain may have been stolen by his brother, Robert, to prevent disclosure­s about the medication he was taking when he died, according to a new book.

The president’s brain, which was not buried with his body at Arlington Cemetery after his assassinat­ion in November 1963, was placed in a container and secured in a locker at the National Archives. Almost three years later, his secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, discovered the brain was missing.

Conspiracy theorists have long claimed the materials were taken to cover up the fact Kennedy was shot from the front, rather than by Lee Harvey Oswald.

However in End of Days: The Assassinat­ion of John F Kennedy, James Swanson claims an inquiry ordered by the then attorney-general, Ramsey Clark, indicated Robert Kennedy was to blame.

While the inquiry failed to recover the brain, it did “uncover compelling evidence suggesting that former attorney-general Robert Kennedy, aided by his assistant Angie Novello, had stolen the locker,” Swanson writes, according to an excerpt in The New York Post. “My conclusion is that Robert Kennedy did take his brother’s brain — not to conceal evidence of a conspiracy but perhaps to conceal evidence of the true extent of President Kennedy’s illnesses, or perhaps to conceal evidence of the number of medication­s that President Kennedy was taking.”

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