Ottawa Citizen

Book Thief stars bond

Rush and Nélisse play father and daughter


It’s clear during an interview that Sophie Nélisse, 13-year-old star of The Book Thief, is not in awe of her Oscar-winning co-star (and onscreen dad) Geoffrey Rush.

Asked how the two actors bonded while filming the Second World War drama, Rush manages only four words before Nélisse silences him with a delicate flip of her hand. “We only had about … ”

She picks up the thread adroitly: “… about two weeks before we started to shoot, we went into rehearsals,” she begins.

“I was stressed at the beginning, because he’s such a great actor and he won an Academy Award, and what if he thinks I’m bad?

“But after one day or two, I really felt like his daughter. And he was so fun on set when we were not shooting. He would take some random things in the kitchen, I would say a spoon and a towel, and make a magic trick out of it.”

Rush smiles indulgentl­y, then chimes in, “I knew she was a fascinatin­g and dazzlingly intriguing actor because I’d seen Monsieur Lazhar.” Nélisse won Jutra and Genie awards in the category of best supporting actress for her portrayal of a schoolgirl in the 2011 film by Philippe Falardeau.

“This is a very gifted person who in a very unadorned way can go to the emotional heart of a scene,” he says. “I got to know Sophie as I got to know (her character) Liesel, because that was the rhythm of the shoot.”

Based on the popular 2006 youngadult novel of the same name, The Book Thief tells the story of an 11-year-old German girl, Liesel, sent to live with foster parents Hans and Rosa Hubermann (played by Rush and Emily Watson) just as her country is descending into war.

Her new papa then takes in another lodger named Max (Ben Schnetzer), the son of a Jewish man who saved Hans’s life during the Great War.

Liesel, who arrives not knowing how to read, learns much about the power of words from Hans and later from Max, even as the Nazi regime holds public book burnings while rounding up Jews.

“I didn’t know anything at all” about the time period, Nélisse says. “In sixth grade I read Hana’s Suitcase,” a 2002 non-fiction children’s book about a 13-year-old girl who died in the Holocaust. “That was the only thing I knew about it.”

Her research for The Book Thief included watching such films as Schindler’s List, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Reader and The Pianist, and visiting Holocaust memorials while in Berlin, where the film was shot. She also has a grandmothe­r who was born during the war and whose grandfathe­r was in the concentrat­ion camps — indicative of the generation­s that have passed since then, but also of the continued connection­s to the present.

Nélisse says the lifelike sets, constructe­d on sound stages and backlots at Studio Babelsberg, truly set the tone for her performanc­e as Liesel. “You could seriously feel like you were there, so many years ago.”

Rush also enjoyed delving into the minutiae of his character’s lifestyle, beginning with costume designer Anna Sheppard. “We just had the most fantastic couple of days,” he recalls. His character wears long coats that give him a tall, thin look, matching his descriptio­n in the book.

“And I wanted the hair to be anarchic,” he continues. “He didn’t have the Nazi look; he was a bit bohemian, a bit un-vain. To me that’s a bit like a character’s brain. He has a wild and woolly and free brain, and that was in the hair.”

Rush even got into the placement of items within his character’s house, moving a chair closer to a table where he felt Hans might cosy up to listen to the radio. “He’s probably even listening to French on shortwave, because he’s got that kind of active mind.”

The Book Thief was made by British filmmaker Brian Percival, best known for directing a half dozen episodes of the TV series Downton Abbey. He says he felt no fear at remaking a beloved book for the screen.

“I think it helps,” Percival says. “I’ve done a number of adaptation­s … and the big plus really is you might have a 100-page screenplay, but we had in this case a 580-page guidebook … a Bible if you want to call it that.” Character details, additional scenes and texture were all there for reference. “And the fact that it is well loved,” he adds. “Already we know that this subject has an audience, that people were drawn to it, that it was a success.”

And while it’s standard for actors to say they had fun on the shoot, Rush has a specific memory to take away from The Book Thief.

“My litmus test is always the makeup van,” he says. “And the makeup van on this shoot was fantastic. You’re in there at either 4:30 or 5 in the morning, it’s freezing — and the spirit was great!

“Sophie was there with her iPad, making films of herself being made up. By the time they’d finished her hair, she had a three-minute movie with special effects.”

Nélisse shrugs: “When I go on set I don’t feel like it’s a job. It’s really fun. So I go for fun.”

 ?? FOX ?? Sophie Nélisse in a scene from The Book Thief, about a girl who loves books. She co-stars in the movie with Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush, who plays her father in the Second World War drama.
FOX Sophie Nélisse in a scene from The Book Thief, about a girl who loves books. She co-stars in the movie with Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush, who plays her father in the Second World War drama.

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