Ottawa Citizen

We may have finally arrived at an understand­ing of what Trudeau’s position on abortion amounts to.


We may have finally arrived at an understand­ing of Justin Trudeau’s position on abortion. MPs can think whatever they like about the issue, but must vote in a pro-choice manner on abortion, which Trudeau would never bring up in Parliament, anyways.

Despite the Supreme Court never ruling that there could be no restrictio­ns on abortion, we are told via Trudeau’s personal reflection­s that abortion is a Charter right.

So, all decisions will remain between a doctor and a patient. (Presumably this applies even if a doctor refuses to perform an abortion, as we are now assured often happens in the case of the third trimester and presumably in some cases of gender selection.)

It took a little over two weeks to get to this position. This is not, however, because of Trudeau’s own lack of clarity. Instead, it is apparently the fault of everyone who did not immediatel­y understand the nuance and basis of his decision. This is of a piece with Trudeau’s earlier move on the Senate, and of his musings on sovereignt­y.

There’s a pattern here. Trudeau proposes some policy or speaks on a controvers­ial issue in some new way. He sounds refreshing and even compelling.

But loose threads hang out and they are quickly pulled by the press and by his opponents. When the difficulty of his position is laid bare, we are told either that he did not mean what he said, that we did not really hear what he said, or that it is simply not a big deal. The problem is not him. It’s everyone else.

First, the Senate. Trudeau sum- marily removed all Senators from his Liberal caucus. This, he said, was a first step in the creation of a non-partisan Senate. This was meant to contrast with the prime minister, who had proposed legislatio­n and then decided to wait upon a clarificat­ion from the Supreme Court before moving further. Trudeau was ready to take decisive action.

There was no clear articulati­on of how this would work in practice, particular­ly how other parties would be compelled to follow his lead. The constituti­onality of the plan was asserted but never demonstrat­ed. And the complete disregard of his caucus in determinin­g its membership undermined Trudeau’s claims to be doing politics in a new, consultati­ve manner.

Second, sovereignt­y. In February 2012, Trudeau was asked in a Radio Canada interview about the state of Canada under Stephen Harper. Going much further than asked by his inter- viewer, he suggested there could come a time — should the prime minister remain in power too long and implement too many of his preferred policies — when he would imagine wishing for a sovereign Quebec.

This was either breathtaki­ngly arrogant or ignorant. The arrogance: Harper posed such a threat to Canada that even a Trudeau would consider supporting secession. Trudeau, then, was the remedy to his own problem. The ignorance: such a claim undermines the case for federalism fundamenta­lly. There should be no imaginable scenario in which the actions of a single prime minister would justify breaking up our country. The solution to such a government is replacemen­t. But this replacemen­t should never suggest it is willing to leave the country if it is not successful.

Worse than Trudeau’s utterance, however, was the incredulit­y of his defence. Puffed up before an awaiting press scrum, he spoke in the third person of his obvious commitment to Canada. There was no apology. There was apparently not even a moment of considerat­ion that the problem was the words he used, not the way they were interprete­d by most nearly everyone who heard them.

All of this undermines Trudeau’s chances of becoming prime minister.

Recent polling by the Innovative Research Group asked voters to indicate the characteri­stics that they liked in each leader. These same characteri­stics underlie vote choice. For both Harper and Tom Mulcair, experience was the decisive factor in moving voters away from the Liberals and towards their parties. Trudeau’s support unsurprisi­ngly comes from voters who wish for a leader who is new and dynamic.

Herein lies the danger for Trudeau. His principal opponents have aligned incentives to make the next election about competence and experience. They share an interest in suggesting that Trudeau does not know exactly what he believes and would not know how to exercise power once in office.

Politics are hard, almost unimaginab­ly so. The list of difficulti­es is long: cruelly demanding hours, weeks away from family, and the taxing requiremen­t of mastering an immense number of files.

But two other difficulti­es stand out from all the others. The first is the ability to anticipate another actor’s moves; in short, to be strategic. The second is to know when to speak. Once uttered, words cannot be taken back, at least not without a cost. For Trudeau, that cost is the impression of competence.

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