Ottawa Citizen

Balkan floods occupy mind of midfielder

Sinisa Ubiparipov­ic and brother Slavisa feel for their homeland, writes Richard Starnes.

- Richard Starnes’ Beautiful Game appears every Saturday in the Ottawa Citizen. He can be reached at richardsta­ Listen to his weekly radio show, Corner Kicks, from 6-7 p.m. on Mondays on TSN 1200 AM.

Tough, troubling memories and worries are filling the minds of the Ubiparipov­ic brothers as a new disaster invades Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia.

Ottawa Fury FC midfielder Sinisa Ubiparipov­ic and his brother Slavisa, in town on a trial, are watching the worst flooding to hit the Balkans in more than a century with deep concern. The country has been deluged and more is expected.

The official death toll has climbed past 45 and is likely to rise as because landslides have buried whole villages in a region where some 20 years ago bloody civil war ruled. Thousands of homes have been destroyed.

The latest horror is only now finding its way onto the world news agenda and much due to the actions of sports personalit­ies.

Tennis star Novak Djokovic, a Serb, has donated his prize money, $500,000 US, from a tournament win in Rome, and his charity has collected another $600,000.

The world’s leading soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo is reportedly donating millions and his Real Madrid colleague, Croatian Luka Modric has sent out a message in support to suffering Serbs, Croats and Bosnians.

The Ubiparipov­ic brothers have been quick to join efforts to alert the world. With full support from Fury coach Marc Dos Santos, Sinisa has asked teammates for help with donations through the Serb Embassy in Ottawa.

Fury FC players offered clothing, toiletries and money and gathered for a special team photo with the message In Our Hearts as a sign of support for affected communitie­s.

“We wanted to help initiate something, to help out in raising awareness around the world,” Sinisa said Friday. “This is another huge disaster for the entire country. We are trying to help in any way possible and donations are being accepted. Anything will help.”

When you hear the Ubiparipov­ic family story, it is easy to understand what is going through the brothers’ minds.

They are from the Bosnian town of Zenica until the war pitted Bosnian, Serbians and Croatians against one another and it spelled change for the Ubiparipov­ic’s.

“It used to be good but everything went downhill when war broke out,” said Sinisa. “It wasn’t that we couldn’t stay. But my parents thought it was unsafe. There was a lack of work, a lack of money, a lack of food. They believed it was best to move when we were young.”

The family left everything behind and moved first another part of Bosnia and then to Cleveland, Ohio. “Essentiall­y, our parents started all over again three times in their lives,” said Slavisa. “You can say we arrived in the States with $25 in our pocket.” Sinisa rejoins the conversati­on. “Our parents worked extremely hard. We didn’t know English, not a word. Sometimes I try to put myself in their shoes. The strength they showed is phenomenal. Sometimes I am shocked they are not crazy.”

Meanwhile, the soccer show must go on. Sinisa will start in Saturday’s NASL match against the San Antonio Scorpions. There is expected to be only one change to the side that defeated Indy Eleven last week. Omar Jarun is in the Maldives playing for Palestine, so Drew Beckie moves to centre back and Andres Fresenga is expected to play right back. Kick off is 7 p.m. at Carleton University.

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Sinisa Ubiparipov­ic

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