Ottawa Citizen

Family man loved riding his tractor


DANIEL TESSIER Born: April 6, 1958 in Wendover, Ont. Died: Feb. 18, 2014 of ALS

Amyotrophi­c lateral sclerosis, or ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, took yet another life. This time it was my husband of 28 years, Daniel Tessier. He passed away on Feb. 18, only 15 months after diagnosis.

Daniel was diagnosed with this terminal disease on Nov. 8, 2012, at the age of 54. This came to us as a total shock — we had never heard of this disease, let alone known about the symptoms, their effect or how it ravages one’s body until time of death. Normally you have just two to five years to live after diagnosis.

Dan, the oldest of five kids, grew up in Wendover, Ont., with his four sisters on their parents’ farm until the age of 18. He moved to Ottawa and started working for a foodservic­e company and remained there for 36 years until he had to retire in May of 2013 because of his medical condition. He drove tractor-trailers and he loved doing this. It did not matter what the weather was like, how hard it was raining or how much snow had fallen, this would never stop him from driving. He considered this to be a challenge and he was always up for a new challenge. I can truly say that this was one of the things that he really missed after being forced to retire. He loved driving.

We married in 1986 and had two boys, Serge and Matt, whom Dan referred to as the “greatest boys ever.” Dan spent all of his time at home with his family: He would go four-wheeling with the youngest and would work on cars and trucks with the oldest. To Dan, being with his family was most important; he just loved to have us at home all together. All of the family dinners were held at our place. We would host these dinners and have up to 20 friends and family dining with us.

In 2010, we purchased five acres and had our forever home built. This was supposed to be our retirement home where we would grow old together. Dan’s workshop had all of his favourite toys, which consisted of four-wheelers, his Kubota tractor and his tickle box. Many knew this box as the one thing that would hold whatever you were looking for. If you needed a special nut, screw, bolt or small part, most likely Dan would find what you needed in this box. Friends and family were amazed at what Dan had in this box.

The Kubota tractor was his new toy. Whenever he had free time he would be out there, constantly moving dirt around, making trails and trying to level the property. Dan could spend his day off moving dirt.

In the summer of 2013, we noticed more symptoms were starting to appear, and Dan’s speech was starting to show signs of the disease attacking his vocal muscles. By the end of August he could no longer speak and needed to write everything down.

Christmas of that year was the last time he ate a regular meal — he could no longer chew and swallow food. We started processing all of his food so he could have the same food that we were having, but just in a more liquefied form. Within a couple of weeks, he could only drink liquid supplement­s.

Both the boys and I were finding all of this very difficult, seeing their dad and my husband’s health getting worse every day.

Dan never complained about the disease, with the exception of losing his speech.

This was very hard for him and also so frustratin­g. I believe that. even though he had been given a death sentence with the worst possible symptoms, Dan did not want to burden his family with the negativity of what this disease was doing to him and the outcome he was facing. He rarely complained about it, and just wanted to enjoy the time he had left with his family and friends.

Every day we miss the greatest husband, father, brother and son ever. Love you to the moon and back, Lise

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