Ottawa Citizen


Eleanor Thomas, 70, once smoked more than a pack a day. The dedicated runner takes on her 17th marathon on Sunday


I really don’t know what keeps a marathoner going towards the end of a race. It’s very rare for a marathon runner not to feel pretty bad in the last few miles. There’s an inertia that sets in and you can’t stop. Eleanor Thomas

Eleanor Thomas never thought she’d be a runner. In the late 1960s, when she was 26 years old, she was a heavy smoker consuming more than a pack a day.

“I knew how unhealthy it was, how it made me feel, yet I had been smoking for 10 years.”

“I started as a young teenager, like a lot of people do. It was a longstandi­ng habit.”

She decided to make a change and get healthy by jogging but didn’t want to give up smoking. But she finally kicked the habit after falling in love with the sport. It made her feel good, cleared her mind and she got fit.

In 1975, Thomas was the first of only three women to cross the finish line in the inaugural Ottawa Marathon. While that first event was “low-key,” the day was full of excitement and the race has been a part of her life for as long as she can remember.

At the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend, the Ottawa Marathon on Sunday is celebratin­g its 40th year.

“At the time, most people in Ottawa didn’t even know what a marathon was. We knew of the Greek legends and 26 miles, but people had no idea what they were getting into.”

Thomas, a retired mother of one son, said her former training regimen included running a gruelling 130 kilometres a week.

Today, she runs five to six times a week for a total of about 65 and 75 kilometres.

“I think back to what I used to do and I really don’t know how I survived.”

With 16 marathons under her belt (five in Ottawa), Thomas is focused on getting to the startling line uninjured. She feels lucky to continue being able to do what she loves and will celebrate her 70th birthday Saturday — the day before her big race.

She expects her pace to be slower, but hopes to complete the marathon in under five hours and expects her husband, family and friends to cheer her on.

In preparatio­n for the race, Thomas has meticulous­ly laid out a set of clothes and has been monitoring her diet. She said she plans to carry a small bag of just-in-case items such as ibuprofen pills, spare hair ties and lip balm.

Thomas said running has taught her how to fight through the pain and fatigue that comes with a race. In one marathon, after suffering an injury, she limped the last 10 miles in order to cross the finish line.

“I really don’t know what keeps a marathoner going towards the end of a race. It’s very rare for a marathon runner not to feel pretty bad in the last few miles,” she said. “There’s an inertia that sets in and you can’t stop.”

Looking back, Thomas said she is amazed about how the race has grown and how running has changed with it.

She has kept various mementoes from over the years, such as trophies, photograph­s and Tshirts. On Thursday, Thomas took part in a race kickoff event at City Hall along with Mehdi Jaouhar, the winner of the inaugural marathon.

Although this will be her 17th marathon, she still gets butterflie­s.

“I’m starting to get nervous and excited,” she says. “It’s exactly like the very first one.”

 ?? CHRIS ROUSSAKIS/ OTTAWA CITIZEN ?? Eleanor Thomas said she never intended to start running. She smoked more than a pack a day. But she wanted to get healthy and started jogging. What started as a hobby became a passion. She has been a dedicated runner and marathoner since 1975.
CHRIS ROUSSAKIS/ OTTAWA CITIZEN Eleanor Thomas said she never intended to start running. She smoked more than a pack a day. But she wanted to get healthy and started jogging. What started as a hobby became a passion. She has been a dedicated runner and marathoner since 1975.

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