Ottawa Citizen


Kids need to find real-life inspiratio­n

- Brothers Craig and Marc Kielburger founded the educationa­l partner and internatio­nal charity Free The Children and the youth empowermen­t movement We Day.

Ask anyone under the age of 10, and they’ll tell you their hero is Superman, “because he can fly!” or Batman, “because he drives a Batmobile!”

They say you can judge a generation by its heroes. We wonder how many children are sitting around waiting for their superpower­s to manifest before they take action.

In the comic book world, heroes are bitten by radioactiv­e spiders (Spider-Man), become test subjects for military experiment­s (Captain America) or are the victims of gamma ray research gone awry (the Hulk). Otherwise they’re aliens or mutants (Superman, the X-Men). And if they lack superpower­s, they’re playboy billionair­e narcissist­s, heirs to bottomless fortunes that buy indestruct­ible suits and gadgets (Iron Man, Batman).

In the battle for the hearts and minds of our children, superheroe­s teach that heroics are inflicted by science, mutant genes, or the last will and testament of wealthy parents. Hardly things worth aspiring to. Few of us will inherit billions, let alone develop mutant genes. Most of all, they teach us that heroism happens to you — the inciting incident is involuntar­y.

Child psychologi­sts are largely divided as to the effects of superheroe­s on early developmen­t, with the “pro” camp citing findings that even donning a cape can build self-confidence in kids. Comic book heroes, they say, help convey lessons about good and evil.

But the very mindset that equates heroism with spontaneou­s superpower­s is troubling. To a kid, this could mean that regular humans can’t be heroes.

In an insightful TEDxToront­o talk, writer and community activist Dave Meslin debunks the myth of becoming a hero by prophecy — one who is chosen (again, by an outward force), or marked, like the lightning bolt on Harry Potter’s forehead. If involuntar­y heroism is what we’re teaching our kids, he says, they’ll grow up missing the point. Real leadership “comes from within; it’s about following your own dreams uninvited. Uninvited.” Leadership is not waiting for a magic wand.

Real heroes are idealistic and impatient for change. They don’t take up their tasks begrudging­ly and then take off a mask once the bad guy’s been defeated. Heroism is a continuous struggle that often yields a series of small victories, usually from the combined efforts of a team.

Take some of our personal role models, like Ontario’s lieutenant governor, David Onley. Struck with polio as a child, Onley still walks with the aid of crutches or uses a scooter. This real-life Professor Xavier crusades for opportunit­ies for people with disabiliti­es. He has expanded the dialogue around accessibil­ity beyond ramps and prime parking spaces to “that which allows people to achieve their full potential.”

His wife, Ruth Ann Onley, is a testament to the quiet hero behind the scenes. She has personally visited 25 fly-in First Nations communitie­s in Ontario on behalf of her husband, making a symbolic statement that the lieutenant governor’s role and presence shouldn’t be limited to the most accessible parts of Ontario.

Real heroism is building bridges with your one-time enemies. Waneek Horn-Miller was stabbed by a soldier when she was just 14, during the infamous standoff between Mohawks and the town of Oka, Quebec, in 1990. She suffered post-traumatic stress disorder, but has said she “self-medicated with sport.” Horn-Miller led Canada’s water polo team at the 2000 Olympic Games. Today she speaks to non-aboriginal Canadians to foster better understand­ing of her culture.

Double-lung transplant recipient and Ottawa native Hélène Campbell launched a fundraisin­g campaign to help other Canadians waiting for transplant­s. Campbell can’t fly, but she’s breathing with two donated lungs, and is now the country’s most renowned organ donation advocate. That’s even more incredible.

In the real world, heroes don’t wait around for radioactiv­e spiders. They muster up oldfashion­ed human courage and make a conscious decision to change the world.

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 ??  ?? In the real world, heroes don’t wait around for radioactiv­e spiders to give them powers. Waneek HornMiller, top, led Canada’s water polo team at the 2000 Olympics. Today she fosters understand­ing of her culture.
In the real world, heroes don’t wait around for radioactiv­e spiders to give them powers. Waneek HornMiller, top, led Canada’s water polo team at the 2000 Olympics. Today she fosters understand­ing of her culture.

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