Ottawa Citizen


Historic time in Canada’s past gets its due in museum exhibit


In early 2012, Museum of History curator Jean-François Lozier got a special assignment, his very first big exhibition.

He was asked to plan and produce a show that would interest Canadians in … Confederat­ion. It’s a show that a Canadian Museum of History has to do, one would expect, in the years leading up to the 150th birthday of the nation, in 2017.

And yes Virginia, there is drama in Canadian history — but how does one convince the public of that? That was Lozier’s problem.

“The head of my department said we are doing this exhibition on Confederat­ion,” Lozier says. “So it was a bit of a scramble (as to) what story we would tell and how we would tell it. In the end we decided to tell the story of 30 years leading up to Confederat­ion.” Hence the exhibition’s name: 1867 — Rebellion and Confederat­ion.

These were three chaotic and critical decades for the future of British North America since they include the rebellions of 1837-8, the Durham Report, reform and responsibl­e government for the united province of Canada and, finally, the manoeuvrin­g that ultimately led to the Dominion of Canada. It was a time of strong personalit­ies, such as John A. Macdonald, William Lyon Mackenzie, Louis-Joseph Papineau, Robert Baldwin and LouisHippo­lyte Lafontaine.

The next step proved to be the hard part for Lozier: gathering up the artifacts that would be on display.

“I spent a lot of time in our collection­s. What often happens is cura- tors will find things that had been thought to be lost a long time ago. It was also a matter of finding things elsewhere, because the roots of this institutio­n are as an ethnology museum and our collection­s are strongest in ethnology and in social history. They are not so strong in what we might call history with a big H or political history.”

He began contacting other institutio­ns and private collectors asking if they knew of anything in their catalogues.

“This being my first exhibition, I did not realize that we were not in the habit of dealing with so many lenders for a single exhibition. I found Alexander Tilloch Galt’s shoe buckles in one museum (in Lethbridge) and George-Étienne Cartier’s hat in another.”

In all, he dealt with about 50 museums, most of them in Eastern Canada. Some had foolproof provenance, such as the so-called Confederat­ion inkwell, which is in photograph­s of the Fathers of Confederat­ion.

“It took me months to find that inkwell,” Lozier says. “I knew it had been given to Étienne-Paschal Taché, the premier (of the united province of Canada), who had presided over the Quebec Conference. I knew that it had been given to the Canadian people. I knew it had been used for the terms of union with Newfoundla­nd — there is a photo of Joey Smallwood with it in front of him. But then I discovered it was just across the river all along,” in the Library of Parliament.

Being a historian is being a detective, Lozier says.

“You have to follow leads and pursue wild goose chases.”

There are objects that are important, he says, and there are objects that, when paired together, are more than the sum of their parts. “So, for example, we have a copy of the first throne speech by Lord Monck, first governor general of the new dominion. Not only do we have the speech (which is one page of beautiful, clear penmanship), we have the throne upon which he sat.”

Lozier is particular­ly touched by a small jacket that belonged to a six-year-old Irish orphan named Patrick Quinn, who came with his family to Canada after the famine in Ireland. His parents died on the journey; young Patrick was adopted by a Quebec family and grew up to be a much-loved priest.

“It’s one of the very rare pieces of clothing from the period for which we have a good story with it.” The jacket came from the archives of a seminary in Nicolet, Que.

The exhibit includes boxes handmade by political prisoners after the rebellions of 1837 and 1838. While awaiting trial or even hanging, prisoners carved these boxes as gifts for friends and supporters.

And there are even two stones that most people would pass by, without the story behind them. These were cobbleston­es that were thrown at Lord Elgin, the governor general in 1849, by conservati­ve anglophone­s who were angry about Responsibl­e Government and a bill compensati­ng French Canadians who lost property during the rebellions. These same angry anglos also burned down the parliament in Montreal.

“Lady Elgin (the governor general’s wife) had the presence of mind to collect a few of the stones from the carriage and label them ‘stones thrown at Lord Elgin’s carriage 30 April, 1849.’ If they had not been labelled they would have been thrown out a long time ago.”

Lozier has nightmares about things that have been thrown out.

The curator also pieced together things. For example, cabinet members would wear a military-style uniform at major events. To illustrate that, he has Macdonald’s coat, Cartier’s bicorn hat and a sword from another father of Confederat­ion.

One thing a visitor could have done without are the noisy videos delivered by some well-known Canadian historians, including Ottawa’s Charlotte Gray. The sound tends to distract as much as the videos inform.

Still, there is much to take in here. The exhibition will run until Jan. 4, 2016, so there is plenty of time to see it, but at some point, Lozier knows, all the artifacts will have to be returned.


Louis-Joseph Papineau (1786-1871): Politician, lawyer, leader of the reformist Patriote movement that opposed the unelected colonial government in Lower Canada. William Lyon Mackenzie (17951861): Journalist, leader of 1837 Upper Canada rebellion. Joseph Howe (1804-73): Publisher, free-press advocate, politician, public servant in Nova Scotia. Howe was premier of Nova Scotia (1860-63) and led unsuccessf­ul fight against Confederat­ion. Lord Durham (1792-1840): Politician, diplomat, colonial administra­tor and author of the Durham Report on the Canadian rebellions of 1837-38. Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine (180764): Leader of the reformers in Canada East and, with Robert Baldwin, the first head of a responsibl­e government in Canada. Robert Baldwin (1804-58): Lawyer, leader of the reformers in Canada West and, with La Fontaine, the first head of a responsibl­e government in Canada. Lord Elgin (1811-63): British colonial administra­tor and governor general of the Province of Canada (1847-54). John A. Macdonald (1815-91): First prime minister of Canada (186773, 1878-91). Macdonald was the dominant creative mind behind the British North America Act and the union of the provinces that became Canada. George-Étienne Cartier (1814-73): Father of Confederat­ion and copremier, with John A. Macdonald, of the Province of Canada. George Brown (1818-80): Journalist, anti-slavery crusader and Father of Confederat­ion. Lord Monck (1819-94): Last governor general of British North America.



The original British North America Act, signed by Queen Victoria, will be on display from July 1, 2015, until Jan. 4, 2016. Until then, the exhibition features a ceremonial copy. 2

A fitted coat belonging to John A. Macdonald and a bicorn hat belonging to George-Etienne Cartier, both likely worn during their audiences with Queen Victoria in 1867. 3

The inkstand presented to Étienne-Paschal Taché after he presided over the Quebec City Conference in 1864. The inkstand was used again during the Québec Conference of 1943 and for the signing of the Terms of Union with Newfoundla­nd in 1949. 4

The one-page handwritte­n throne speech delivered by Lord Monck, the governor general, on Nov. 7, 1867. 5

The ship’s bell and a tea service from the SS Queen Victoria, which carried Macdonald, Cartier, Brown and the rest of the Canadian delegation to the Charlottet­own Conference in 1864. 6

Two cobbleston­es thrown at Lord Elgin during the 1849 Montreal riots. 7

Louis-Joseph Papineau’s chair when he was Speaker of the Legislativ­e Assembly of Lower Canada, as well as the throne from which Governor General Lord Monck delivered the first Speech from the Throne on Nov. 7, 1867. The latter had previously been used by Lord Elgin and other governors in Quebec City and Toronto. 8

An arrow sash (ceinture fléchée) worn by Jean-Olivier Chénier, a Patriote leader who died during the 1837 Lower Canada Rebellion. 9

The intricatel­y carved and painted wooden mace presented to the Newfoundla­nd House of Assembly when it was establishe­d in 1833. The mace was used until 1950, when British Columbia presented a new one to commemorat­e Newfoundla­nd joining Confederat­ion. 10

The full-scale preparator­y sketch of Robert Harris’s iconic painting of the Fathers of Confederat­ion. The painting, completed in 1883, was hung in the Centre Block of the Parliament buildings. It was destroyed in the 1916 fire.

 ?? PHOTOS: COLE BURSTON/ OTTAWA CITIZEN ?? John A. Macdonald’s ceremonial coat will be on display as part of the exhibition, 1867 — Rebellion and Confederat­ion. Lord Elgin’s bust is one of the many cherished items tracked down by museum curator Jean-François Lozier This jacket was worn by an...
PHOTOS: COLE BURSTON/ OTTAWA CITIZEN John A. Macdonald’s ceremonial coat will be on display as part of the exhibition, 1867 — Rebellion and Confederat­ion. Lord Elgin’s bust is one of the many cherished items tracked down by museum curator Jean-François Lozier This jacket was worn by an...
 ??  ?? Jean-François Lozier
Jean-François Lozier

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