Ottawa Citizen

Poet laureate praised for elegant verse


NEW YORK Mark Strand, a Pulitzer Prize winner and former U.S. poet laureate widely praised for his concentrat­ed, elegiac verse and graceful command of both humour and despair, has died. He was 80.

Strand, whose works were translated into more than 30 languages, died Saturday morning at his daughter’s New York home from liposarcom­a that had spread throughout his body, just weeks after entering hospice care, said his daughter, Jessica Strand.

“He was a funny, elegant, generous and brilliant man,” she said of her father. “A man who lived to work and to be with his friends and the people he loved.”

A distinctiv­e presence to the end of his life, with his lean build, white hair and round glasses, Strand received numerous honours, including the Pulitzer in 1999 for Blizzard of One, a gold medal from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and a National Book Award nomination this fall for Collected Poems. He was appointed poet laureate for 1990-91, although he did not count his time in Washington among his great achievemen­ts.

“It’s too close to the government. It’s too official. I don’t believe that poetry should be official,” he told The Associated Press in 2011. “There are poets who aspire to such positions; I never did.”

Louise Glueck, also a former poet laureate, said Saturday that Strand was a “hero” to her, “one of the few (poets) who grew more amazing as he grew older.”

Strand, author of more than a dozen books of poetry and several works of prose, was haunted even as a young man by absence, loss and the passage of time, sometimes peering beyond the contents of the page and wondering what, if anything, was out there. Some of his most famous lines appear in Keeping Things Whole, a poem from Sleeping With One Eye Open, his 1964 debut:

In a field I am the absence of field. This is always the case. Wherever I am I am what is missing.

Strand also wrote children’s books and art criticism, helped edit several poetry anthologie­s and translated the Spanish poet Rafael Alberti. He was a committed doubter, even about poetry. He went through occasional periods when he stopped writing verse and once quarrelled with his publisher, Alfred A. Knopf, because he considered his 2012 collection Almost Invisible to be prose, not poetry.

“I don’t make the same demands of prose as I do with poetry,” he said. “You don’t have to worry about sustaining a cadence. You don’t have to worry about the specific creativity of each word.”

He was born in Prince Edward Island in Canada, his mother a painter, his father a salesman whose work led to the family living everywhere from Peru to Cleveland. Strand originally thought of himself as a visual artist, and would dismiss his adolescent poetry as “feverish attempts to put ‘my feelings’ on paper, and little more.”

He majored in art at Yale University, but felt “stifled” and by grad school had decided he was better suited for writing, with Philip Larkin and Thomas Hardy among the poets he was reading. He received a master’s degree from the University of Iowa’s Writers’ Workshop, and later taught at Iowa, Columbia University and the University of Chicago among other schools.

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Mark Strand

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