Ottawa Citizen

Transplant mom urges for calm on vaccinatio­ns

- ELIZABETH PAYNE epayne@ottawaciti­

An Eastern Ontario mother, who has become a key voice in support of vaccinatio­n, says verbal attacks on “anti-vaxxers” are doing more harm than good.

Mallory Olsheski, whose young son, Riley, cannot be vaccinated and relies on herd immunity to keep him free of illnesses such as the measles, says she has become increasing­ly concerned with the mob-like tone of discussion­s about vaccines.

“I follow everything and notice it is less about getting informatio­n out and more about finger-pointing,” she told the Citizen.

Olsheski, who has appeared in numerous media this winter talking about her family’s circumstan­ces and her support of vaccines, says people should stop attacking those opposing vaccinatio­ns.

Not only will attacks not change their minds, she said — something researcher­s have also noted. But the increasing­ly angry dialogue might turn those who are undecided away from vaccinatin­g their children.

“We are not going to get the antivax community to vaccinate. They are dug in and the more we attack the more they dig in. We need to focus on bringing awareness to new moms and dads, the people who are wary of vaccinatio­n, but not against it,” she said.

She says people with anti-vax views should not be shouted down, but should be able to state their views.

“Giving them a soapbox provides us the opportunit­y to question them and get their answers. So the new mom and dad who tune in hear our argument and hear theirs. Based on legitimate facts and not yelling, screaming and blaming, they will make their decision.”

If she was a new mother undecided about vaccines, Olsheski said, “a debate in which one side, with clear, substantia­ted informatio­n, and one side with only folklore, hokum and whatever else,” she would choose the “clear, concise, calm side.”

Olsheski, whose family lives near Pembroke, said she has become concerned in recent months as the tone of discussion­s has ratcheted up.

“The attacking has to stop because we are losing sight of what is important here.”

Olsheski says she will speak calmly with anyone who has questions about vaccinatio­ns and thinks others should do the same and continue to give people with anti-vaccinatio­n views a place to talk so that the facts about vaccines can be brought up to counter the arguments.

There have been measles outbreaks in southern Ontario, Quebec and throughout the United States this winter, which have focused attention on dropping immunizati­on levels throughout North America.

Olsheski’s son, Riley, had a heart transplant when he was a baby and, as a result, is unable to be vaccinated. Because his immune system is suppressed, he is highly vulnerable to vaccine-preventabl­e diseases.

His case and those like it are a reason that herd immunity is so crucial. Not only does it protect individual­s from diseases, but it protects those who are unable to be vaccinated for health reasons.

 ??  WAYNE CUDDINGTON/OTTAWA CITIZEN ?? Mallory Olsheski with son Riley, 2, who can’t get vaccinated because he has had a heart transplant.
 WAYNE CUDDINGTON/OTTAWA CITIZEN Mallory Olsheski with son Riley, 2, who can’t get vaccinated because he has had a heart transplant.

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