Ottawa Citizen

Sex traffickin­g will be part of Pan Am Games, says church officer


Cities that host internatio­nal sporting events put on their best face for the world to see, but they ignore an ugly reality behind the spectacle: the exploitati­on of women and children shipped in to cater to the sexual procliviti­es of spectators, says the general secretary for the Canadian Council of Churches.

“Human sex traffickin­g goes with national and internatio­nal sporting events,” Rev. Karen Hamilton said Wednesday in one in the series of Stuart Ivison Memorial Lectures sponsored by Ottawa’s First Baptist Church on Elgin Street. “And it will be coming to my city, because Toronto is hosting the Pan Am Games this summer.”

Canadians — and the politician­s and government agencies who serve them — need to face the reality of both human traffickin­g and sex traffickin­g, Hamilton said, suggesting that many of those who attend will be as interested in illicit sex as in the athletes, if not more so.

Hamilton said she has drawn the attention of David Peterson, chairman the board organizing the games, to the issue, but to date isn’t satisfied it is being taken seriously.

“Last summer I asked him what plans he has (to respond to the problem of sex traffickin­g). He looked at me with shock and horror and said, ‘I had no idea this was a reality.’ ”

That, suggested Hamilton, is the core of problem: Too many people don’t want to admit, much less confront, the fact that hundreds of thousand of people — mostly women and girls, but also boys — are being traffickin­g around the world to work as de facto slaves or forced into sex work.

The United Nations defines human traffickin­g as “the implicit use of threat, force or other forms of coercion against an individual for the purpose of subjection to involuntar­y servitude, debt bondage, or slavery.” Sex traffickin­g refers to “force, fraud, or coercion as related specifical­ly to the illegal sex trade business.”

Both forms of traffickin­g are old problems, Hamilton said, citing references to it in the Old Testament. “The abuse of women and the traffickin­g of women is an ancient practice, but it is also very much a part of our future.”

Statistics support that claim. The Internatio­nal Labour Organizati­ons estimates there are 12.3 million adults and children in forced labour, bonded labour or commercial sexual servitude.

According to the United Nations, sexual exploitati­on accounts for 79 per cent of the world’s human traffickin­g, involving mainly women and children; forced labour accounts for 18 per cent. Worldwide, 20 per cent of all traffickin­g involves children.

Within Canada, the RCMP estimate 600 women and children are trafficked into this country each year for sexual exploitati­on, and at least 800 are trafficked into Canada for all domestic markets, including the drug trade, domestic work, or labour for garment and other industries. Another 1,500 to 2,000 are trafficked through Canada into the United States.

Scholarly studies of human traffickin­g also reinforce Hamilton’s contention­s regarding human traffickin­g, including in regard to sporting events.

“Concerns have been raised that large global sporting events are magnets for the sex industry, notably human traffickin­g for sexual exploitati­on,” Rebecca Finkel and Madelon Finkel write a 2014 study in the journal Public Health.

While media tend to focus on the athletes, the host city and the social and cultural offerings surroundin­g the event, “The ‘dirty downside’ of sporting events, such as worker abuse, corruption, and fraud, is often ignored,” they write.

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