Ottawa Citizen


U.S. president is risking his legacy, but Israel is at risk of annihilati­on

- TERRY GLAVIN Terry Glavin is an author and journalist.

They pulled out all the stops, pushed every heartwarmi­ng button, filled the Washington Convention Center with soaring, uplifting intermissi­on music and harnessed all the king’s horses to the cause of showcasing the enduring bonds of affection between the United States and Israel.

But what the 16,000 delegates assembled for three days here in the largest gathering of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s 62-year history could not do was sustain the bipartisan pep-rally spirit that AIPAC’s conference organizers and the White House had wanted.

The easy explanatio­n is that it was because Benjamin Netanyahu ruined everything.

It’s all Bibi’s fault. With not even three weeks to go before facing Israeli voters in a tight election race against his main challenger, the centre-left Isaac Herzog, the pugnacious Israeli prime minister was unpardonab­ly discourteo­us to President Barack Obama in taking up an invitation from Republican leaders to address Congress. Bibi should have stayed home. Worse, he committed the unconscion­able impudence of giving backchat about the nuclear deal Obama is on the verge of cementing with the Khomeinist regime in Tehran.

You could also say that it’s really the other way around, that Obama’s Democrats are being less than fastidious about staying out of Israeli politics, and the whole thing is really a matter of the White House having manufactur­ed a rumpus to Netanyahu’s electoral disadvanta­ge. In this analysis, what’s really at work is a cunning strategy aimed at insulating Obama against the prospect of his presidency’s signature foreign-policy achievemen­t being traduced as a catastroph­e by the prime minister of the one Middle East ally with a hold on the hearts and minds of the American people.

There was much bipartisan agreement, sure enough. But you can only maintain appearance­s for so long.

A much warmer reception greeted the brief remarks from Canada’s recently-resigned foreign minister, John Baird, than U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power managed to coax with a passionate address on the subject of the abiding American-Israeli friendship going back to the days of John F. Kennedy. During the subdued applause offered up to U.S. National Security Advisor Susan Rice, there were moments when you could almost hear the traffic outside the cavernous convention centre. When Netanyahu addressed delegates on Tuesday, his shout-out to Baird elicited an ovation that was comparativ­ely ear-splitting.

An especially thorny dilemma facing Israel’s most ardent American friends involves the work that will be required to undo the nightmaris­h damage of an Obama deal that leaves Iran’s ayatollahs anywhere near the trigger of a nuclear bomb. This is precisely what Netanyahu says Obama’s negotiated arrangemen­ts, in their still-vague outlines, will inevitably do. Could a successor Republican administra­tion be trusted not to make matters even worse?

Another gathering that was just wrapping up here as the AIPAC conference was raising its curtains was the annual shindig of the Conservati­ve Political Action Committee, where delegates were treated to pitches from an array of Republican presidenti­al contenders. Among them: the freakish Donald Trump, the libertaria­n crank Rand Paul, and a Wisconsin governor, Scott Walker, whose claim to be a suitable commander in chief in war against the jihadists who have taken over great swaths of Iraq and Syria rests on his own expertise in the thuggish arts of unionbusti­ng.

The one brief moment of gravitas at CPAC came courtesy of former Florida governor Jeb Bush. But his handicap is that he’s the brother of Tea Party nemesis and Democratic Party hate figure George W. Bush, and in any case his moment was overshadow­ed by an outlandish speech delivered by Phil Robertson, a profession­al hayseed whose celebrity derives from some role he plays on a reality television program called Duck Dynasty.

While everybody at AIPAC was being respectabl­y bipartisan around the consensus that it would be outrageous to trust the Iranian theocracy for a minute, and consequent­ly any nuclear deal with Tehran would have to be constantly and carefully policed, certain other questions of trust remained unanswered after AIPAC’s conclusion. Can the Republican­s ever be trusted again? Is it just as foolish in the meantime to trust the Obama administra­tion?

House Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi, after a grand performanc­e of umbrage-taking to Netanyahu’s remarks on Tuesday (“an insult to the intelligen­ce of the United States”), insisted that a nuclear-armed Iran would always be “unacceptab­le” and that “all options” remained open to the Obama administra­tion.

But what is now known about Secretary of State John Kerry’s negotiatio­ns is that one of those options is to roll back the sanctions the Obama administra­tion only reluctantl­y imposed on Tehran in the first place in exchange for a 10-year deal the Democratic Party’s vast spin-management resources should be expected to sell as a brilliant foreignpol­icy victory, no matter what sort of a shambles or a sellout it might be.

Whatever one thinks about Netanyahu’s manners, one thing he has not been so intemperat­e as to mention out loud is the staggering debt Obama has already racked up by making a radical rapprochem­ent with Iran such an overriding personal priority that it has emptied the entire account of his foreign-policy capital.

The main human costs have been borne by the more than 200,000 Syrians who have been slaughtere­d in the satrapy the Iranian Khomeinist­s have been permitted to run in Damascus since 2011.

The cost of Obama’s liquidatio­n of American investment­s in Iraq, all to Tehran’s advantage, is as incalculab­le as it is unrecovera­ble. In Lebanon, the Iranian proxy Hezbollah, undisturbe­d by American power, is now stronger and better armed than ever. Yemen, only weeks ago an American project, is now in the hands of Khomeinist-backed Houthi militias.

That’s before we even consider the costs of having sacrificed Iran’s brave dissidents, along with the prospects of a democratic, post-Khomeinist Iran, to Obama’s foreign-policy follies.

In Washington, the bipartisan consensus holds that a nuclear-armed Iran would present as direct a threat to the United States as it would to Israel and to the several Arab states that share Israel’s disquiet about Obama’s gamble-the-farm policies in the region.

What’s at stake for Obama is his swagger, his legacy, his place in history. What’s at stake for Israel is the prospect of annihilati­on. There’s a difference. And that’s the dilemma.

The cost of Obama’s liquidatio­n of American investment­s in Iraq, all to Tehran’s advantage, is as incalculab­le as it is unrecovera­ble.

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