Ottawa Citizen

CRTC issues first fine under anti-spam law


The CRTC is preparing to mete out a $1.1-million fine against a company it accuses of “flagrantly” flouting Canada’s anti-spam legislatio­n.

Quebec-based corporate training company Compu-Finder has 30 days to contest the CRTC ruling.

The Compu-Finder case represents the first time the CRTC has sought to impose a financial penalty under the anti-spam law, which came into effect last July.

The CRTC alleges the company sent commercial emails to consumers without their consent and did not allow recipients to unsubscrib­e from the mailings. The investigat­ion was based on reports of four apparent violations of the law last year between July and September.

“This case stood out because of the flagrant nature of the violation,” said chief compliance and enforcemen­t officer Manon Bombardier.

“They have not made any effort to change their business practices. ... People were unsubscrib­ing and they were still getting emails, and some even made additional efforts to contact the company to say, ‘I unsubscrib­ed, I’m still receiving emails,’ and despite those additional efforts they were still getting emails.”

Bombardier said the CRTC has received more than 245,000 complaints since the first phase of the anti-spam law kicked in. Consumers continue to submit about 1,000 complaints a day, she said.

Compu-Finder was flagged for investigat­ion as it accounted for more than one-quarter of the spam complaints received that were related to training companies.

Bombardier said the company was notified of the CRTC’s investigat­ion and was given the opportunit­y to come into compliance.

Complaints about Compu-Finder date back well before the spam law went into effect. Blog posts as early as 2008 on the website of Montreal newspaper La Presse detail fruitless efforts to stop a flood of emails from the company.

A spokespers­on for CompuFinde­r was not immediatel­y available.

Bombardier said she did not have any figures on complaints filed under the second phase of the anti-spam law, involving computer programs, malware and spyware, which came into effect in January.

 ??  MIKE CLARKE/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? The CRTC has received more than 245,000 complaints since the anti-spam law kicked in and is preparing to impose a $1.1-million fine against a Quebec-based corporate training firm.
 MIKE CLARKE/AFP/GETTY IMAGES The CRTC has received more than 245,000 complaints since the anti-spam law kicked in and is preparing to impose a $1.1-million fine against a Quebec-based corporate training firm.

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