Ottawa Citizen

Indiana law won’t be anti-gay, governor says

Seeks quick amendment to widely condemned religious freedom law


To say anything less than a repeal is going to fix it is incorrect.


Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Tuesday that he wants legislatio­n on his desk by the end of the week to clarify that the state’s new religious-freedom law does not allow discrimina­tion against gays and lesbians.

Meanwhile, Arkansas lawmakers defied criticism and followed Indiana’s lead to pass a similar law. It now goes to Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who has said he will sign it into law.

Pence defended the Indiana measure as a vehicle to protect religious liberty, but said he has been meeting with lawmakers “around the clock” to address concerns that it would allow businesses to deny services to gay customers.

The governor said he does not believe “for a minute” that lawmakers intended “to create a licence to discrimina­te.

“It certainly wasn’t my intent,” said Pence, who signed the law last week.

The Indiana law prohibits any laws that “substantia­lly burden” a person’s ability to follow his or her religious beliefs. The definition of “person” includes religious institutio­ns, businesses and associatio­ns.

Although the legal language does not specifical­ly mention gays and lesbians, critics say the law is designed to protect businesses and individual­s who do not want to serve gays and lesbians, such as florists or caterers who might be hired for a same-sex wedding.

In Washington, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Indiana officials appeared to be in “damage-control mode” following an uproar over the law.

Businesses and organizati­ons have voiced concern over Indiana’s law, and some states have barred government-funded travel to the state.

Democratic legislativ­e leaders said the proposed clarificat­ions by Pence and Republican lawmakers would not be enough.

“To say anything less than a repeal is going to fix it is incorrect,” House Minority Leader Scott Pelath said.

Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma agreed with the governor’s call for swift action.

If enacted, the Arkansas proposal would prohibit state and local government­s from infringing on a person’s religious beliefs without a “compelling” reason.

But unlike in Indiana, Arkansas lawmakers said they will not modify their measure.

Over the past two days, hundreds of protesters filled Arkansas’ Capitol to oppose the measure, holding signs that read “Discrimina­tion is not a Christian Value” and “Discrimina­tion is a Disease,” and chanting “Shame on You” at Ballinger after the measure was endorsed by a House committee.

Similar proposals have been introduced in more than a dozen states.

 ??  AARON P. BERNSTEIN/GETTY IMAGES ?? Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Tuesday he didn’t believe that lawmakers intended ‘to create a licence to discrimina­te’ when they passed a religious-freedom law.
 AARON P. BERNSTEIN/GETTY IMAGES Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Tuesday he didn’t believe that lawmakers intended ‘to create a licence to discrimina­te’ when they passed a religious-freedom law.

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