Ottawa Citizen


William Joyce’s new offering colourful book within a book


Billy’s Booger William Joyce Atheneum Books

Toilet humour is a surefire hit with readers of a certain age. So is mention of mucus and the word “booger.” As such, William Joyce’s new picture book is bound to find an enthusiast­ic following simply by virtue of its title: Billy’s Booger.

But it turns out there’s much more to commend it.

For one thing, adult fans of Joyce’s earlier volumes — such as George Shrinks (1985), Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures With the Family Lazardo (1988) and A Day With Wilbur Robinson (1990) — will welcome the return to his retro-style images (i.e. the 1950s/’60s garb that has dad always sporting a tie, mom wearing cat-eye glasses and a beehive hairdo, and Billy riding a Schwinn-style bike). And kids will enjoy the book-within-a-book in which the main character, as the title suggests, is Billy’s “green nose buddy.”

There’s much to admire in this picture book, which presents itself as “a memoir (sorta).” Even the endpapers are chock full of surprises, done in green ink by, one assumes, the author’s younger self (credited as co-author on the cover). Confused? Don’t be. As the author’s bio on the dust jacket explains, “William Joyce began writing books in the fourth grade. This is the true story of his making that very first book.”

OK, chances are the author has taken a few liberties with the truth. That’s called poetic licence. But basically, what you’re getting here is his account of a school librarian’s efforts to get kids writing by organizing a contest to see who could produce the best book. This is a project Billy can sink his teeth into. Not necessaril­y an award-winning student, his lively imaginatio­n gets in the way of such subjects as mathematic­s. But this project calls for creative writing, and creativity is something in which Billy excels.

His mother, father and sister — accustomed as they were to seeing him come home with notes from the principal, who referred to Billy as one of his “most challengin­g students ever” — grew a bit worried when they saw him spend every waking moment working on the project. It was so unlike the Billy they had grown to know and love.

But Billy threw himself into his research (one of the best images in the book shows him leaving the library, staggering under an enormous pile of books about “meteors, mythology, space travel, and mucus!”) and spent days writing and drawing. The result — a 12-page booklet, hand-lettered and illustrate­d in green on cream-coloured paper — is tucked into the middle of Billy’s Booger and recounts the adventures of the “super booger” blown out of Billy’s nose when he sneezed.

To his astonishme­nt and deep disappoint­ment, however, Billy does not win. (A kid named Tiffany does, with a book about a “super cute kitty.”) This turn of events seems to have sapped the boy of every last vestige of creativity. He’s sad, doesn’t play with his food anymore, and he no longer wears the space helmet fashioned from a kitchen colander (much like the one Joyce is wearing in his childhood photo on the dust jacket flap). Even his sister notices: “Billy is so normal now, it’s weird.”

Trust the librarian to ride to the rescue. When Billy returns with his pile of borrowed books, she summons him to a table where a group of kids are reading and laughing.

You guessed it: they’re reading Billy’s Booger. She tells him she added all the contest books to the library, “but yours is checked out the most, Billy.”

He may not have won the prize, but he won the most readers. And that’s enough to get Billy’s creative juices flowing again. As Joyce tells us on the final spread, Billy’s walk home, surrounded by admiring friends, “was just the beginning ... of a long, long adventure.”

And there, floating over the hedge bordering the sidewalk, is a childlike drawing of a bespectacl­ed pencil-wielding superboy and various colourful characters, including an early rendering of Dinosaur Bob!

Basically, what you’re getting here is his account of a school librarian’s efforts to get kids writing by organizing a contest to see who could produce the best book. Bernie Goedhart

 ??  ?? Billy’s Booger is a memoir of sorts since it purports to describe the first book that William Joyce ever created — in Grade 4.
Billy’s Booger is a memoir of sorts since it purports to describe the first book that William Joyce ever created — in Grade 4.
 ??  ??

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