Ottawa Citizen

Senators’ inevitable slide into irrelevanc­e


Canadian senators put on suits and show up to work. They hold question periods. They vote, give speeches, argue and deliver lengthy commemorat­ions to dead colleagues.

But while they certainly look busy for their $132,300 annual salary, it’s safe to say that lately, the Upper Chamber hasn’t really been doing anything of consequenc­e.

“The Senate hasn’t really been playing much of a role as a watchdog,” said David Mitchell, president of the Ottawa-based Public Policy Forum.

Shrouded by scandal and reviled by virtually the entire House of Commons, the Conservati­ve-dominated Senate has lately had almost no effect on new legislatio­n — aside from delays.

It’s not clear that Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s informal siege against the Upper Chamber will have any immediate deleteriou­s effects.

There are few aspects of modern Canadian law that bear the fingerprin­t of the Red Chamber (even though Canadian legislatio­n can theoretica­lly be introduced in either chamber of Parliament).

An exception, however, would be the lack of any Criminal Code legislatio­n related to abortion, which the Senate blocked in 1989.

According to Mitchell, however, there was a time when the Canadian Senate could be said to have been a body shaping the “direction of public policy and public opinion.”

Senators — free from the ungentlema­nly partisansh­ip of the House of Commons — dutifully checked legislatio­n for errors and oversights. Senate committees released thoughtful reports that were received with the same gravity that modern Ottawa now gives to an Auditor Generals’ report. “The Senate banking committee did some great work that had an extraordin­ary impact on Bay Street and public policy in Canada; we haven’t seen too much like that lately,” said Mitchell.

Gordon Barnhart, a former Saskatchew­an lieutenant-governor, served as Senate clerk from 1989 to 1994.

According to Barnhart, Canada’s estrangeme­nt from its Senate started during the GST debate.

In 1990, a Liberal majority in the Senate threatened to block Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s attempt to pass GST legislatio­n.

In response, Mulroney invoked a rare clause to stack the chamber with eight extra senators — and gain an instant Progressiv­e Conservati­ve majority.

“I think it changed the Senate for the worse, and I think it changed the relationsh­ip between the Senate and the House of Commons,” he said.

Now, virtually every party has begun to see the Senate as an annoying speed bump to royal assent. Although individual MPs occasional­ly canvass the Red Chamber to block a piece of unpopular legislatio­n, such actions are usually decried as undemocrat­ic.

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