Ottawa Citizen


Canadians abroad are citizens too

- Allison Jane Smith is an Ottawa-based freelance writer and communicat­ions consultant.

It keeps getting harder for young Canadians to vote.

Last year, it was the Fair Elections Act, which made it more difficult to vote for those who can’t prove their address — those like many young Canadians, who tend to move often.

I’m a good example; in the seven years I’ve lived in Ottawa, I’ve lived in seven different apartments. I’m currently on a friend’s futon until I move into Apartment 8. If there were an election tomorrow, I would have a tough time proving I live in my riding.

On Monday, it was a court decision that made it impossible for some of my friends to vote. The Ontario Court of Appeal overturned a ruling that had restored the voting rights of more than a million long-term expats. Because of the ruling, Canadians who have lived overseas for five or more years are not eligible to vote.

Yet again, this disproport­ionately disenfranc­hises young Canadians.

Exact numbers are hard to find, but an estimated 2.8 million Canadians live abroad. More than 1 million live in the United States, with an estimated 300,000 in Hong Kong, and 73,000 in the United Kingdom.

Many of these expats are young. A 2011 study from the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada found Canadians between the ages of 21 and 25 were the most likely to move abroad. A 2008 study found more than 40 per cent of Canadians in the United States and more than half of Canadians in the United Kingdom are between the ages of 18 and 29. The same demographi­c makes up only 15 per cent of the Canadian population.

There are many reasons young Canadians leave Canada, as I know from personal experience; I’m living on a futon right now because I have just returned from Cambodia, where I lived for two years, working with charities and social businesses. Like many young Canadians, I was interested in seeing a part of the world different from what I knew, and contributi­ng to

Only 45 per cent of Canadians between the ages of 25 and 34 voted in the last federal election.

that part of the world in a meaningful way.

Other young Canadians go abroad to study, or to complete their diplomatic or military service, or to be with spouses of other nationalit­ies, who may find it difficult to get a visa to live in Canada.

Arguably the most common reason young Canadians leave is for work. Young Canadians are the most affected by fluctuatio­ns in the labour market, making them the most likely to seek work abroad when the Canadian economy isn’t providing them with jobs. As we stare at the prospect of another recession in Canada, many Canadians who teach English abroad may decide to extend their contracts.

The two Canadians who brought this case before the court represent typical young Canadian expats. Twenty-eight-year-old Jamie Duong and 33-year-old Gillian Frank moved to the United States for school, and stayed there when they couldn’t find employment in Canada.

I’ve been more fortunate, as I was able to return to Canada and find meaningful work. But I don’t think that ability makes me more worthy to vote than Duong and Frank.

Only 45 per cent of Canadians between the ages of 25 and 34 voted in the last federal election, compared with 75 per cent of those between the ages of 65 and 74.

We bemoan this statistic and ask why young Canadians aren’t engaged in our democratic process, as we should, but this ruling from the Ontario Court of Appeal raises an obvious question. With youth turnout so low, why are we disenfranc­hising young Canadians like Duong and Frank who want to vote? Their willingnes­s to fight for this right shows they deserve it.

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