Ottawa Citizen

Start with Words

Librettist and composer form symbiotic relationsh­ip when they are creating new works


In opera there are two composers at work — the one who wrote the music and the librettist who prepared the words to be sung.

It is a symbiotic relationsh­ip. But what comes first, the words or the music?

For composer James Rolfe, an Ottawa native, and librettist André Alexis, the words come first. They have a long-standing musical partnershi­p, one that has produced several works including the short piece Aeneas and Dido that will be performed Monday as part of Chamberfes­t. They met in 1980 at the Banff Centre at a “composers and librettist­s” symposium.

“He was there by himself and he had a libretto (by the poet George Elliot Clarke) that he was working on,” Alexis recalled.

They hit it off and started to work together. “How we normally work is I’ll have an idea, he’ll have an idea and they bounce pretty much back and forth.

“A librettist is putting down an emotional map that the composer uses to build the most powerful element, which is the music. In my life I have yet to find a composer who will write a piece and allow me to put words to it.”

That is almost forbidden fruit, says Alexis, also a well-known novelist.

“I would love to have a composed piece to play with. They take a text and they fool around with it. It would be interestin­g to have 20 minutes of music that I now have to use and think about. Where is it quiet, for example, and how many words can I squeeze in there? But that has never happened. Composers tend to prefer to begin with the emotional map (provided by words).

“I don’t think there are many librettist­s who would work the way I would like to. I just happen to like the experiment­al side of being forced to deal with somebody else’s emotional journey.”

The librettist, Alexis says, needs to ask himself: Are the words singable? Is the rhythm of this phrase “doable” by the singer? Can it be understood clearly? How much repetition do you do?

Alexis, who has worked with other composers too, knows that sometimes the message of the words can be lost in the music. Even though, he says, Rolfe is very careful to ensure the words are heard.

“Others can be less careful of the words. So messages can get buried and that makes for interestin­g challenges for the staging of the story.” Alexis comes by music naturally. As a 14-year-old he wanted to be a guitarist and living in the Windsor area he listened to a lot of music. Motown, of course, but also the undergroun­d FM scene that featured blues, jazz and all the Tubular Bells he could handle.

While he didn’t become a musician, he did become a broadcaste­r for CBC Radio, programmin­g his my own music show for a year or two.

He also developed a love of opera. “I’m very much a believer that it is the complete art form. Wagner may have been a horrible person in a lot of ways but I believe him when he talks about opera being the complete art form. The singing, the words, it gives you a lot of possibilit­ies as a creator. The only sad thing about opera is that for a long time it was exclusive to a certain class.

“That’s too bad because I think it still colours (the perception of ) the art form. I think it can appeal to anybody. I remember seeing an operatic piece called Shockheade­d Peter (1998) based on German fairy tales. That was fantastic in a way that I found very inspiring. It was a total event.”

Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde is also a favorite.

“It’s so over the top, it is magnificen­t. Wagner’s libretto makes you feel as a writer that you don’t have courage. If Wagner can do that then you should be at least able to do half of that.

“I find it tremendous­ly inspiring in a way I find few pieces inspiring. It issues a challenge: Can you be at this level? Most of us can’t, but at least we know where that level is.

His piece is being paired with the English opera Dido and Aeneas which was written by Henry Purcell and first performed in 1688.

Both works are based on the fourth book of the epic poem The Aeneid by Virgil, written between 29 and 19 BC.

When Aeneas, the son of Troy who leads the survivors of the battle to seek a new home, he stops in Carthage and meets its queen, Dido.

She falls for him and when he leaves to fulfil his destiny as the founder of Rome, she kills herself.

“One of the single nicest things about working with classical subjects is that everybody has an expectatio­n. They know the story, so when you are writing the text or the music you get to play with that and go against it ... or go with it.

Aeneas and Dido, and an earlier work Orpheus and Eurydice, took Alexis back to the Greek myths and that exploratio­n has influenced his most recent novel, called Fifteen Dogs with its reference to Greek gods.

Alexis says that by playing with a familiar story, it has the effect of rejuvenati­ng the story.

“People talk about the alienation effect (Berthold Brecht’s principle of “making the familiar strange”). In life, things disappear because we are so used to them. We see a table every day and eventually we no longer really see the table.” Until the table is moved.

“It is the same with a familiar story. Screw around with it and it lives again. A writer can restore some of the power behind those old myths and they have a great deal of power.” Alexis loves the Purcell. “Everybody will be able to sing Dido’s Lament (When I am Laid in Earth is the formal title of the aria). It’s everybody’s favourite moment in English opera.”

As for his own work, which was first performed by the Toronto Masque Theatre, “I like James’ music and I hate what I do.

“You still want to touch it and fix it. You think you could have done that differentl­y. The hardest thing to accept is that it is not yours anymore.”

You still want to touch it and fix it. You think you could have done that differentl­y. The hardest thing to accept is that it is not yours anymore.

 ??  ?? Nathaniel Dance-Holland’s 1766 painting The Meeting of Dido and Aeneas is inspired by the same story as the piece by André Alexis and James Rolfe.
Nathaniel Dance-Holland’s 1766 painting The Meeting of Dido and Aeneas is inspired by the same story as the piece by André Alexis and James Rolfe.
 ??  ?? André Alexis
André Alexis

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