Ottawa Citizen

What’s in a quote?

- MIKE HOLMES Watch Mike in his new series, Home Free airing Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on HGTV. For more informatio­n, visit makeitrigh­

After doing television for over 11 years, the No. 1 question I get asked is how do you hire the right contractor?

Typically people think it’s an easy process. You call up a contractor, have them come take a look at your house, they give you a quote, and if it’s within budget the job can start as soon as tomorrow. That’s a recipe for disaster.

If a contractor can start a job the next day, that’s a big red flag, because if they’re not busy, it’s for a reason. And do you really want someone who only needs a couple of days to plan your entire renovation, or someone who won’t plan it out before doing the work? It took me two years just to plan my garage.

Finding the right contractor is the most important step of the renovation. And it starts with getting a quote, which is different from an estimate.

A quote is a basic breakdown of a job, printed on a sheet of paper, that includes general estimates on things like demolition, framing, drywall, painting, carpentry, flooring, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC, just to name a few.

Some contractor­s will give you a quote for free, but most pros will charge you. Why? Because good contractor­s are very, very busy. They don’t have a lot of time to look at a job and work on a proper quote because that’s time they’re taking away from other jobs. So they will only do that if homeowners are serious about the renovation and doing it right.

The quote is supposed to give you a general idea of what a proper job will cost. It’s meant to help weed out the good guys from the bad guys, so if three out of five contractor­s say a job will cost around $50,000, and the rest charge half that, there’s a good chance the ones charging more know more. A good contractor might charge $60,000 more, but they won’t cost you $220,000 in repairs, ripping out brand new materials and then fixing everything — not to mention all the extra time and stress.

I’ve seen it happen over and over again, where homeowners will hire the cheapest contractor, and then end up paying triple because the first guy they hired didn’t know what they were doing. That’s why they were cheap, and cheap always costs more.

Does a quote give you enough informatio­n for you to make a smart decision on your contractor? Not for me. I’d want to see a detailed estimate (plus a contract with a payment schedule) before hiring anyone, and that will cost you, too.

A detailed estimate is a big document, pages and pages long. It lists every item going into the renovation, from specific materials, brand names and fixtures to asbestos tests, duct cleaning, and permits. (The last one my guys did had 150 items in it.) It takes weeks to put together, which is why most contractor­s will charge for it.

The detailed estimate lets you compare apples to apples. It shows you exactly why one contractor might charge $90,000 when someone else is charging $75,000 — it might be the brands they’re using, or materials, like coated lumber.

I know what you’re thinking — paying for a quote and then paying for an estimate is a lot of money. But the truth is you get what you pay for, and a couple hundred bucks that could potentiall­y save you hundreds of thousands is worth it in my books.

Renovation­s are a massive investment, and if you don’t know what you’re getting into — every single detail about what’s going to happen, why, how, and when — a renovation can go down the tubes very quickly.

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