Ottawa Citizen

Bring back the lazy days of summer before kids ‘specialize­d’

Summer camps are like year-long school now, writes Julie Anne Pattee.

- Julie Anne Pattee is a Montreal writer who attended summer camp two weeks a year, where she was taught to play tennis, golf and tie sailing knots, skills she never used and has since long forgotten. This piece first appeared in the Montreal Gazette.

When I visit my sister in the country, I have to watch my step. That’s because fairies live nearby in homes built of twigs, moss and pebbles. They lounge on birch bark hammocks and drink tea from raspberrie­s. If I’m not careful, my flip-flops wipe out entire villages.

When she’s not building fairy houses, my 8-year-old niece is making a mess in the kitchen, mixing cocktails of juice, sugar and herbs from the garden.

My 11-year-old son is having a different kind of summer. When I asked him how he liked camp after his first day he said: “It’s like school, only there’s more yelling.”

He settled in after a few days. He’s happy to be at basketball camp because he wants to make his high school team next year and he’s worried he won’t without specialize­d training.

He has good reason to worry. His school sent out a notice at the beginning of the summer suggesting that if children wanted to be on sports teams next year, they should enrol in sports summer school.

Summer camp used to be a place where you communed with nature, played Capture the Flag, learned to canoe, swim and build campfires. Not any more.

Most kids I know are in specialty camps, which have been increasing in popularity over the past few decades. My son’s friends spend their summers shuffling between robotics camp, language camp, hockey camp, soccer camp and art camp.

Billed as places that nurture particular interests, these camps, in fact, make school last all year long.

The kids in them are engaged in directed learning, which, studies have shown, does not foster creative thinking, an essential skill for a future that does not look as bright and possibilit­y filled as it did when today’s parents were young.

The parents I know feel pressure to enrol their kids in specialty camps. How can their kids compete in math, for example, unless they’ve been to math camp? And if they don’t get good marks, will they get into a good high school or a good university?

Summer break was invited so kids could return to the farm and help with chores. But things changed.

During the later half of the 20th century we discovered that free play was essential for brain growth. The lazy days of summer, of watching ants crawl on the pavement and trying to make them climb up sticks, was actually important.

And then studies started to show that kids forgot what they learned in school over the summer, that teachers spent the first few months of school repeating lessons from the year before. Parents started to feel like summer should be an extension of the school year, only with more choice in subject matter.

Last week, I finally went through a year’s worth of schoolwork my son brought home. I stumbled on an essay he wrote about the fable The Grasshoppe­r and the Ant.

“The grasshoppe­r is like kids are on summer break, we just want to be lazy. But the ant is like adults are — always and not just on summer break,” he wrote.

When my son visits his cousin in the country, he starts off by saying he’s bored. But after a few hours, he’s throwing old kitchen knives and seeing if he can make them land squarely in the soil, finding trees to climb or making new rules for old card games — fighting boredom by growing his brain, which is what summer should be about.

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