Ottawa Citizen

The making of Ottawa’s angriest cabbie


Taxi drivers are probably the angriest workforce in town and, of all the angry taxi drivers, Roy Noja might be the angriest.

A burly man of 38, he has built a public profile through a series of YouTube videos that show him gathering undercover evidence on Uber drivers and berating an Ottawa bylaw officer, raging about a possible ticket in the By Ward Market. It was F-bombs away, a finger-pointing verbal assault about which he is not apologetic.

Imagine then our chipper mayor, Jim Watson — a man who doesn’t badmouth enemies, or make many — comparing Noja and his mates to “thugs and bullies.”

Oh my, the things that get under His Worship’s skin.

The exchange says much about the relationsh­ip between city hall and its cabbies. Put anger and distrust aside. The elephant in the front seat might be this mutual loss of respect.

Noja, surprising­ly, has taken the high road in the verbal battle with the mayor.

“Every person has his own opinion. As the mayor, I don’t think it was appropriat­e for him to call us that. He’s supposed to be defending us, as we’re licensed by the City of Ottawa,” he responded one afternoon this week.

“At the end of the day, we’re licensed by him, by the City of Ottawa.”

Noja was working the taxi stand outside the Marriott Hotel on Queen Street on a muggy afternoon. Neatly groomed, wearing long shorts and black Nikes, he stood with his arms crossed, unsmiling, in a defiant pose. The other drivers seemed to defer to him.

Driving a taxi is something of a family business, he explained. His grandfathe­r drove a cab in Lebanon. His father, who arrived in Canada in 1975, now drives a cab, as do two of his brothers. He says he rents his plate from a cousin and earned his first taxi licence at age 18. He has three children, 15, eight and five.

Family and cultural links run deeply through the cabbie ranks. When it was put to Noja that, given the terrible conditions, drivers might consider another line of work, he was indignant, as though this was a smite on the family name.

“What about the guy who has been driving a car for 35 years and is 60 years old? What’s he supposed to do?”

Indeed, when Noja was acquitted in 2007 of disturbing charges that he sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman in his taxi — his licence was temporaril­y suspended — what did he do? Went back to driving a cab.

He and fellow drivers have made a series of videos in which they order a Uber ride and secretly tape the conversati­on en route to a destinatio­n. Pretending to be curious, they ask about insurance, driver training, rates, age of cars — all kinds of stuff. Law enforcemen­t authoritie­s don’t seem interested in their clandestin­e evidence-gathering. In fact, the police chief suggested they knock it off.

“The team is working. We’re not going to stop,” responds Noja.

He says a number of new videos will be released in time for Sept. 16, a worldwide day of protest against Uber, the online ride service that is eating into the traditiona­l taxi industry everywhere. “You’ll be shocked,” he says of the new footage. “Oh my God, oh my God.”

Noja revealed something else. Already an at-large elected member of the Blueline union unit, he says he’s considerin­g a run at the presidency. “Too early for that, but everything is under considerat­ion.” Wouldn’t Watson just cringe, if the “thug” went all legit with a title?

But lost in the bickering, the name calling, the questionab­le tactics, is a central fact: cabbies are getting economical­ly hammered right now, unfairly, in a broken system the city designed, only to have the city ask for patience with its repair job. A planned industry review may be complete by the end of the year. Or not.

Many drivers estimate the drop in income in the 40-per-cent range. I spoke to a cabbie this week who had been working a downtown stand for nine hours only to land three fares. “My biggest fare was $9.” Pulling down $70 to $120 a shift ( before costs) is not unusual anymore, they say, which puts them underwater. One driver said his insurance alone costs $9,000 a year.

Noja says he’s depleted his savings and is now living on credit cards.

So, naturally, the frustratio­n is building. They see the city blitzing Uber drivers (100-plus charges), then a long stretch of nothing, only to to hear corporate Uber will pay the fines. And, to add insult to injury, they hear all this gleeful consumer chatter about the wonders of Uber.

And, to further antagonize them, Watson is offering advice in a labour dispute the city is not party to.

“Stop shooting yourself in the foot. Stop pulling stunts like that undercover video, blockading the Airport Parkway, honking horns incessantl­y at the airport. You’re not winning friends, you’re actually pushing people over to Uber, which is exactly the opposite of what you want to accomplish.”

But neither, Mr. Mayor, is that a strategy.

The drivers are dying out there, with empty pockets and full tempers. Doing nothing is hardly an option in a labour dispute. Losing the PR war? They aren’t in a PR war. Popularity is politics, not food on the table. Theirs is a battle over money, their very livelihood­s, maybe even the survival of the family firm.

And anger is a potent, lasting motive.

 ??  ??
 ?? CHRIS ROUSSAKIS/OTTAWA CITIZEN ?? Blue Line Taxi driver Roy Noja says he doesn’t think it was ‘appropriat­e’ for Mayor Jim Watson to call cabbies who are surreptiti­ously videoing Uber drivers ‘thugs and bullies.’ Says Roja: ‘He’s supposed to be defending us, as we’re licensed by the...
CHRIS ROUSSAKIS/OTTAWA CITIZEN Blue Line Taxi driver Roy Noja says he doesn’t think it was ‘appropriat­e’ for Mayor Jim Watson to call cabbies who are surreptiti­ously videoing Uber drivers ‘thugs and bullies.’ Says Roja: ‘He’s supposed to be defending us, as we’re licensed by the...

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