Ottawa Citizen

How the Conservati­ves changed crime policy

Prison terms are longer and punishment­s more severe — at a time when crime is in decline, write Lisa Kerr and Anthony N. Doob.

- Lisa Kerr is Assistant Professor at Queen’s University, Faculty of Law. Anthony N. Doob is Professor Emeritus in Criminolog­y at the University of Toronto. A longer version of this article first appeared on The Harper Decade and is available at www. thehar

Before the Conservati­ves formed government in 2006, Canada had a long tradition of allowing criminal justice experts — like judges and prosecutor­s — to make decisions in ways that were largely insulated from politics. This tone of moderation in crime policy has changed. With the Conservati­ve politiciza­tion of the field of criminal justice we have seen an uptick in rates of imprisonme­nt, an increase in the severity of the punishment experience, and, perhaps most striking, a new reliance on crime as a salient topic with which to mobilize political support.

One can identify at least three categories of Conservati­ve activity in this policy domain. The first category is the Conservati­ve party’s attempt to gain popular support by signalling that it is tough on crime through superficia­l or rhetorical moves that change little on the ground. For example, the Conservati­ves passed laws telling sentencing judges to consider things like the age of a crime victim, despite the fact that judges already had broad authority to consider the circumstan­ces of an offence when selecting a fit sentence. Some of the talk is just talk.

A second category of Conservati­ve activity has generated consequent­ial policy measures that will be difficult to unwind. The Abolition of Accelerate­d Parole Act, for example, rescinded a program designed to get nonviolent first-time penitentia­ry prisoners out of federal prisons and into more productive forms of community supervisio­n. The vast majority of prisoners released under this program successful­ly completed parole with no new offences of any kind. The Supreme Court of Canada struck down a particular­ly draconian provision that made the act retroactiv­e, but the wisdom of the legislatio­n was otherwise unreviewab­le and remains in force. It’s unlikely that restoring this sensible program will be high on the agenda of any new government.

Similarly, the Conservati­ves abolished the so-called “faint hope clause” whereby a subset of those serving life sentences for murder could appear before a jury of 12 ordinary citizens to ask for their parole ineligibil­ity period to be reduced. The bar for obtaining release was high. If the jury unanimousl­y recommende­d that the prisoner be allowed to apply for parole earlier than the time originally set, the prisoner still had to convince the parole board that release was warranted. Since the first hearing in 1987, an average of about five prisoners a year had been released under this provision. This program gave prisoners on long sentences reason to hope and reason to engage productive­ly in prison life.

A final example under this category is how the Conservati­ves have extended the stigma of punishment, even where individual­s have successful­ly done their time. Since 1970, Canadians who had been convicted of crimes could, three to five years after the completion of their sentences, apply for pardons. If they had lived peaceful, crime-free lives, they were generally granted pardons. They would lose their pardon if there was evidence that they had offended again. Ninetysix per cent of all pardons granted are still in force. However, the Conservati­ves changed the name of the process (from “pardon” to “record suspension”), raised the applicatio­n cost from $50 to $631, increased the waiting time to 5 to 10 years after the completion of their sentences, eliminated the possibilit­y of obtaining a pardon for some offenders, and, remarkably, allowed the Parole Board of Canada to suspend indefinite­ly the processing of applicatio­ns from people who legally were entitled to pardons and had applied before the laws changed.

A third category of Conservati­ve activity also represents real change, though it may be shortlived. Mandatory minimum sentences for certain drug offences, for example, are likely to be found unconstitu­tional. In 1987, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the only mandatory sentence for drug crime in our history, and subsequent government­s did not try to re-legislate. The new Conservati­ve sanctions will either be undone or significan­tly ameliorate­d by prosecutor­s and judges. In this category, our biggest concern might be that the Conservati­ves have a tendency to waste legislativ­e time and drain litigation budgets in their criminal justice efforts.

What ties these activities together is the widely-noted peculiarit­y of a desire to reform the criminal justice system — or at least talk about reforming it — at a time when crime is in a longstandi­ng state of decline. Total crime in Canada peaked in the early 1990s and declined thereafter. Homicide rates peaked in 1977 at three per 100,000 residents. In 2014, the rate was 1.46 homicide victims per 100,000 residents. These patterns fit a larger story of peak and decline that has occurred in the United States and many other industrial­ized democracie­s. For well over a decade, Canada has been enjoying the same drop in crime as similarly situated nations. The causes of the drop in crime are not well understood. What is known for certain, however, is that the drop in crime in Canada has little to do with criminal justice punishment policies. Indeed, Canada’s imprisonme­nt rate was remarkably consistent in the decades before crime fell.

On these facts it would be unreasonab­le to hypothesiz­e that moderation in criminal justice policy — or the Conservati­ve punitive criminal justice policies — have much to do with crime rates. Conservati­ve party members have taken curious positions on the crime decline. At times, they attempt to take credit for the crime drop — in 2014 Harper said that “on our watch, the crime rate is finally moving in the right direction; the crime rate is finally moving down in this country.” At other times, they try to emphasize that crime persists — that “only reported crime is down.” The reduction in crime is, however, real, with overall rates declining since the 1990s, and it clearly flows from factors that predate Conservati­ve rule.

The Conservati­ve approach contains a good deal of bluster, but more importantl­y, the Conservati­ve approach represents an attempt to dramatical­ly shift Canadian values. In the past, Canadian government­s and policies reflected the view that those who committed offences needed to be held accountabl­e (or punished) for their deeds, and then reintegrat­ed into Canadian society. In the Harper Decade, our collective voice of reason and moderation in criminal justice, which has served us reasonably well in the past, has faded from the Parliament of Canada.

The Conservati­ve approach represents an attempt to dramatical­ly shift Canadian values.

 ?? PAUL CHIASSON/THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? The Tory government rescinded a program designed to get non-violent first-time penitentia­ry prisoners out of federal prisons and into more productive forms of community supervisio­n.
PAUL CHIASSON/THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES The Tory government rescinded a program designed to get non-violent first-time penitentia­ry prisoners out of federal prisons and into more productive forms of community supervisio­n.

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