Ottawa Citizen

Will counsellin­g help alter my daughter’s attitude?

- ELLIE TESHER Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email Ellie chats at noon Wednesdays, at Follow@ellieadvic­e.

Q-My husband of 40-plus years died suddenly, six months ago. My two adult daughters and grandchild­ren live an hour away.

I’m disabled with a genetic degenerati­ve condition. I have very little upper body strength and my legs must be supported with Ankle-Foot Orthotics (AFOs).

I walk with difficulty using a walker, but still drive a car and, with outside help, live successful­ly in my house.

One daughter’s very supportive of this, but the other continuous­ly berates me for this decision and wants me to move to a condo.

She criticizes my wearing clothes that hide my AFOs. She also refuses to help me with small tasks when she visits, because I “shouldn’t be living here alone.”

She says she doesn’t know how to deal with my disability.

She’s also had great difficulty dealing with my husband’s death. I sometimes feel she resents that he’s gone, not me.

Can a therapist help her understand my need for independen­ce and accept me as a human being with the same needs as anyone not disabled?

— Needing Respect

A Your daughter would benefit most from seeing a therapist on her own. Her behaviour reflects personal fears.

Your condition’s genetic, with implicatio­ns for her and her children. She likely has trouble dealing with this possibilit­y.

Worrying about your ability to manage alone, only increases her personal anxiety.

Also, she’s still grieving, as are you all. It’s too soon to make firm long-term decisions. Most grief experts say not to move for at least one year, if possible.

Tell her you’ll consider it later and would love to talk it out together, with profession­al guidance ... but later. For now, you strongly believe she needs grief therapy on her own, where she can discuss her concerns about you as well.

Feedback — Regarding the girl dumped by her best friend (July 26):

Reader — “I’m a middle-school teacher with 24 years’ experience. This situation’s sadly common, as adolescenc­e takes a major toll on young people’s bodies, minds, and emotions.

“If this girl’s trying too hard to restore the friendship, ignoring the other girl for awhile is good advice, as is talking to parents.

“But ignoring unkind treatment is more effective among adults — with adolescent­s, it can create the reverse effect.

“A mean adolescent will interpret being ignored as weakness, and an invitation to continue the unkindness.

“The mean girl must be told to be kind.

“The hurt girl must seek help from a trusted adult in the school.

“Having negotiated many of these situations, I always tell them I like them both and note many reasons why they could have a nice friendship.

“I give them hope to help them find a way to like each other again.

“But I also say that the unkind behaviour must stop immediatel­y.”

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