Ottawa Citizen

Freeland’s campaign denies targeting rival over motherhood


A high-profile Liberal candidate’s campaign is denying an online news site report that says it plans to use motherhood to “contrast” the difference between her and her NDP rival.

Chrystia Freeland is running for re-election in the newly formed central Toronto riding of University-Rosedale against New Democrat Jennifer Hollett.

Both are accomplish­ed former journalist­s — Freeland is bestknown for her work at the Globe and Mail and Thomson Reuters, and Hollett for time on Much Music, CTV and CBC.

Freeland, who sits on Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s team of economic advisers, is a mother of three. Hollett isn’t. That, according to a piece on the riding race in Ricochet by reporter Trent Lee, could become a factor in the campaign:

“Dana O’Born, Freeland’s campaign manager, spoke to Ricochet by telephone earlier this month. She said the Freeland campaign plans to run on family issues among others, and will highlight the fact that Hollett is not a mother, while Freeland is a mother of three.”

O’Born says the paraphrase­d statement is incorrect.

“I’ve contacted the Ricochet and have asked for a correction,” O’Born said in an email. “I would never say anything about highlighti­ng the family status of any other candidate because it isn’t relevant. Such a view would be reprehensi­ble and has no place in any campaign.

“The debate in this election is about the issues; which candidate is offering real change after 10 years of Harper.”

But Ethan Cox, an editor with Ricochet, said he personally factchecke­d the quote with O’Born Wednesday.

Cox said he personally called O’Born to ensure the paraphrase was accurate. He said O’Born denied the original version of the paraphrase — that Freeland’s campaign would “emphasize” the difference in the candidates’ motherhood experience — but agreed that she had said they would “contrast” the difference.

Ricochet does not plan to retract the quote. “I don’t think there’s anything to retract,” Cox said.

Hollett said the dispute over the quote is something for Ricochet to work out, but “to suggest that I’m not qualified for a political office because I’m not a mother is, frankly, sexist,” she said. “No one would say this about a male candidate.”

Hollett says she was raised by a single mother, has worked on behalf of women’s issues through her career. She hopes to continue to advocate for women in Parliament.

“We should not pit women against women,” she said.

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